The Terrell Family by Thomas L. Justice


By Thomas L. Justice

Managing the Grand County of Essex

The Tyrell family, located primarily in Essex, played an important and integral role in the governing of feudal England. The Tyrells, were located primarily in Essex with some property in other adjoining counties. They are well known as the lords of Heron Hall, in the parish of East Thornton, located in Essex. Members of the family throughout the generations were called upon to serve their King. The king saw fit to call upon the Tyrells for matters of law and order, warring, the maintenance of the infrastructure, economic activities, the welfare of the state, record keeping, finances and even public policy. In each of these areas members of the Tyrells were commissioned by the king to maintain the realm for the greater good of Feudal England.

Tyrells of Essex

While the Tyrells were commissioned to handle affairs in all of the areas above, they were most commonly called upon to maintain law and order. This in part was because several members of the family were versed in the law. This ability also led them to participate to a large extent in the record keeping of the realm.

The family saw many ranks throughout the generations, including knight, sheriff, steward, treasurer and eventually a member of parliament as a knight of the shire. Throughout their history they were called upon by many kings. The family at first received only a few commissions from Edward III and Richard II but received numerous commissions from both Henry V and Henry VI.

Throughout their role in feudal England the family represented themselves with a simple coat of arms pictured here. Some second and third sons chose to vary this slightly but most members of the family kept this original family crest intact.

The Tyrells, were a family that played an important role in the governance of feudal England. Through them the king dealt with many issues both in their home county of Essex and throughout his realm. Below you will find a rough outline of the generations of the family as can be pieced together from the patent rolls and other various sources. Also a description of the property they held. Following that will be a brief description of the families religious affiliations and the churches they supported. This will then be followed by a detailed description the Tyrell’s service to the realm as documented in the Patent Rolls. Finally a brief summary of the importance the Tyrell family had on the governing of feudal England will be presented.

The Family

The Tyrells are an old family that dates back prior to the Norman conquest. The Focus of this research is on the Tyrells located in the area of Essex particularly those known as the Tyrell’s of Heron. The family leading up to this group is unclear as little documentation exists. Even after this group which began with James Tyrell, sources disagree about the correct lineage. The research available spells Tyrell in several different ways including Tyrrell, Tirel, and Terrel, depending on who the researcher is which further casts doubts upon the legitimacy of these records.

Using the source material available and the information from the patent rolls the family descended from James Tyrell of Essex. James was born in the late thirteen century and died around 1343. During his life he married Margret Heron who stood to inherit Heron Hall after the tragic death of her only brother John. This began the line of the Tyrells of Heron Hall. At this time a Thomas Tyrell also resided in the area and some scholars speculate that he and James were brothers.

The family grew with the sons of James and Thomas. This included Walter who is believed to be the son of James and Thomas the younger who was either a son of James or of the Thomas Tyrell that was believed to be a brother to James. Walter is believed to have married Jane Swynford and had a son also named Walter. This Walter then had a son with the family name of Thomas. Thomas married Eleanor Flambard and is believed to have had several children. Among these children was John Tyrell.

John became sheriff of both Essex and Hertsford in 1423. He served as the treasurer for the household of Henry VI and was present at the battle of Agincourt. Eventually he became the speaker of the House of Commons and served as a Knight of the Shire. John married Anne Marney and is believed to have has 4 children. Two sons and a daughter. The sons were named Thomas and William and the daughter Margaret.

John’s son Thomas would also go on to become Sheriff of Essex and of Herts in 1460 and became Camberlain of the Exchequer. During his second marriage to Anne Marney he would leave behind two sons Humphry and William.

Unfortunately very little primary source material is available in tracing the family lineage of the Tyrells. This has caused the genealogy to be based largely on location and dates along with a good deal of speculation. In many of the best sources there are inherent contradictions and entire generations are still believed to be missing. However, the people listed above did exist and most likely existed in that order.

The Tyrell Family Holdings

The Tyrells were an influential family in feudal England that throughout history has held or governed several pieces of land. Originally the hereditary lords Langham the Tyrells inherited that title during the Norman Invasion. The family has also held land in the areas of Avon and throughout the county of Southhampton. The Tyrells then went on to hold land throughout Essex and in several of the surrounding counties. This land included farming holdings, prebends and bridges and dikes. From this land along with vast amount of territories overseen by the family for the king, the Tyrells developed a wealthy income and became a very influential family in the governing of feudal England.

Tyrells of HeronTyrells of Heron2

Before inheriting Heron Hall the family is believed to have resided around Buttsbury in Essex. Despite their long history of land ownership, he family is most well known as the inhabitants of Heron Hall in Heron Essex in the Parish of East Horndon. When James Tyrell married Margret Heron he inherited the manor known as Heron Hall. The family would inherit this manor for the next several generations. Unfortunately all that remains of Heron Hall now is a few ruins pictured below

Heron Hall

Church Affiliation

The Tyrells like most all of the people of feudal England were religious people. As a part of their role in governing feudal England the family was responsible for the maintenance and upkeep of several religious locations and also drew income from a few.

The Tyrells were members of the parish of East Horndon located in the county of Essex. There local church that they both attended and supported was the All Saints Church located in Heron. In fact this church still has brass rubbings of one of the Thomas Tyrells, and his wife Alice.

Tyrell Chapel East HorndonTyrell Chapel West Horndon2Tyrell Chapel West Horndon3

Other than all saints, the family also maintained a small family chapel known as Tyrell Chapel located near Brentwood approximately twenty-two miles from London. Here mounted high within the chapel remains the helm of Thomas Tyrell alongside a bronze crest of the Tyrell family.

Another church with which the Tyrells were associated was the church of Stowmarket near Gipping in Sulfolk. Here the remains of many of the Tyrells remain to this day.

Stowmarket Church

                                                     Stowmarket Church

Included amongst these remains are the remains of Margret Tyrell

Margaret Tyrell Tomb

                 Margaret Tyrell Tomb

Service to the Realm

The Tyrell Family has served the realm in a variety of ways throughout the history of feudal England. Below the many ways the Tyrells served the nation have been broken into eight categories. These categories display the important role that not only the Tyrells, but all of the leading families played in governing the realm.

1. Law and Order

The Tyrells primary service to the realm came in the form of law and order. Of the many commissions issued to the Tyrells, the vast majority were for matters concerning the maintenance of law and order within the realm. The law and order commissions fell into three main categories for the Tyrell Family. These categories were commissions of oyer and terminer, pardons, and legal inquisitions.

For the Tyrell family, the majority of these commissions were commissions of oyer and terminer. The commissions of oyer and terminer often dealt with responding to trespassers. In the first commission of oyer and terminer, Thomas Tyrell was commissioned by Edward III to address a matter in which a number of men had trespassed, including hunting and harvesting lumber on property that belonged to the king’s daughter Isabell.

The second such commission called for Thomas to respond to the aide of Elizabeth Durant, a widow who had been assaulted and robbed. He and several other nobles in the area were ordered to respond to this incident in the form of this commission. A later commission was issued to William Tyrell the elder, concerning all treasons, felonies and insurrections on the 8th of July.

These commissions required members of the Tyrell family to respond to a situation which threatened the order of the realm. During this period 5 such commissions were issued by Edward III and 6 by Henry VI.

Another way the Tyrells were involved in matters of law and order was through commissions of inquisition. These commissions required those they were issued to, to inquire into events by interviewing those involved. Throughout the generations the Tyrells received several of these commissions.

One such commission, required John Tyrell and others to enquire into complaints made by several men that undue favor was shown toward Scotland in a legal case involving the mistreatment of a Scottish prisoner. Other commissions required them to respond and get to the bottom of complaints made by other nobles and landowners concerning damage to property and other trespasses. Other occasions required members of the Tyrell family to determine who had caused damage, or the extent of the damage done to different properties in the kings care.

The other major way, in which the Tyrells found themselves involved with the law, is through pardons. Pardons were issued to many members of the family for all sorts of reasons. Some pardons were issued for trespasses members of the family committed on lands. Others were issued like the one to John Tyrell, for failure to appear when required. In some cases pardons were given for buying or selling land without permission. In one instance a pardon was issued to Katherine Tyrell. After her husband Hugh had died, she was taken into the Kings protection. Unfortunately, she did not seek the King’s permission before choosing to marry again.

The most interesting instance of a Tyrell being called to service in the name of law in order occurred when both Thomas Tyrell and William Tyrell along with others were called forth to gather all of the kings lieges of all estates and rank to go against traitors and rebels within Essex and the adjoining counties. This revolt is consistent in time with Jack Cade’s rebellion. In May of 1450 Jack Cade led a kentish rebellion against Henry VI. On July 12 that rebellion was crushed and Jack Cade slain. I believe due to the timing of this event that this is the revolt Thomas and William Tyrell were called upon to put down.

The Tyrells found other ways than commissions of oyer and terminer, inquisition and pardons. In many instances members of the family were lawyers, or executors for those unable to appear or who had died. In each of these ways the Tyrells, used their influence to respond to the needs of law and order within the realm.

2. Warring and the Defense of the Realm

The Tyrell family was not only involved in defending the order of the realm but also the security of the realm at home and abroad. The king often called upon his men when the realm was threatened by foreign powers. In these cases the king often issued commissions of array to his men, requiring them to raise troops and come to his aide in a war against his enemies.

This occurred several times including when John Tyrell was called upon in a commission of array to prepare for the arrival of the Spanish Armada being sent by the kings of Spain and Aragon. Other instance occurred when the King called upon John Tyrell to prepare the musters of troops and accompany them to France. John Tyrell as stated above, was present at the battle of Agincourt. In total, the Tyrells only served one specific commission of array but were ordered multiple times to accompany, muster or move troops.

Warring was a way in which the Tyrells grew in both prestige and fortune. John Tyrell was awarded a grant by Henry VI of 100 marks a year for his service in the French Wars. He was also made treasurer of the household for Henry VI. Warring was another way in which Tyrells were called upon to serve the realm.

3. Infrastructure

Aside from law and war, families were called upon often in order to serve the well being of the realm. One such way was to maintain the infrastructure of the realm. In order to do this the Tyrells received only a few commissions. Richard Tyrell was called upon to requisition supplies for the building a palisade to protect a town from brigands and other dangers. Another instance, required Thomas Tyrell to help in the maintenance of a road that was a footpath but that the King requested be made suitable for carriages.

Through these methods the Tyrells contributed to the maintenance of the infrastructure of the realm. While they were not called upon very often for this task, they were not overlooked for this necessary part of the maintenance of the realm.

4. Regulating Economic Activity.

This area of governing the realm required the families of the realm to maintain the economic order of the realm. In these instances commissions were granted to hold markets, purchase goods, and manage other areas of England’s economy.

For the Tyrells this meant several commissions requiring the use of crops. Edward III required Thomas Tyrell to seek out those who were withholding grains from market and arrest them. Another commission required Thomas Tyrell to purchase large wheat and malt in the counties of Essex. In extreme cases the Tyrells were required to protect and escort goods during times of war. There were also cases where the Tyrells, were required to make sure that certain goods arrived when the king granted a special license for goods to enter the country without customs. A specific example of this occured when a three merchants in the realm, from a town in Essex that had recently been destroyed, were granted license to to ship 2,000 woolen cloths of assize or grain to foreign ports without payment of customs. The money that should have gone to customs was to be used to build a wall around the town. All this was to occur under the watchful eye of Thomas Tyrell.

5. Welfare of the Realm

The families of the realm were often responsible, for the welfare of the realm. This included the maintaining the hospitals, caring for the poor, maintaining the spiritual needs of the people, and the duty of taking care of both the widowed and orphaned when a lord died with no heirs of age to take over his duties. In these instances the king turned to families like the Tyrells for assistance.

The first instance of this was a commission from Edward III for Thomas Tyrell and others to visit the king’s hospital of Neuton in Holdernesse, which the King’s daughter Isabell had recently been granted. Their job was to check into the state of the hospital for which there were reports of negligence.

The king also relied upon his men for the spiritual needs of the people of the realm. For this the King asked, John Tyrell, to help found a chantry of two chaplains for service in the Chapel of St. John and provide land for the income and maintenance of the chaplains. Edward Tyrell and long time friends of the Tyrell’s the Darcy’s along with others also founded a chaplain for the chapel of St. Mary the Virgin in Danbury in the county of Essex. In a final instance of this Thomas Tyrell, was granted the patronage of the parish church of East Thorndon, in the county of Essex and licenses to him and his brother William Tyrell the younger to celebrate certain divine services. Through these acts the Tyrells were able to maintain the spiritual needs of the people of the realm.

Another way the Tyrell’s were able to help in the maintenance of the realm was to oversee the stewardship of those left behind by fallen lords. In one instance John Tyrell was appointed steward of Clare and Thatksede along with Richard duke of York during Richard’s minority after the death of Thomas duke of Exeter.

6. Record Keeping and Land Transactions

One of the major ways in which the Tyrells were involved in the maintenance of the realm was through record keeping and land transactions. These were often in the form of inspeximus and confirmation which were official copies issued to people by order of the king. Other dealings with land dealt with grants of property to people. In many of these instance the Tyrells found themselves as either the grantees or grantors of property. Often however, the records reflect the changing of property from one hand to the other which needed to be approved by the king. Occasionally the Tyrells bore witness to documents requested in inspeximus and conformation.

An example of the grants is one in which Edward III granted to Walter Tyrell the keeping of the passage over the water of the Twede at Berwick on Twede for good service to the king. This is one of the many examples of the type of grants made both from the king to his men and between the families of the realm.

Other dealings the Tyrells had with Record Keeping were commissions of inquiry to determine who owned or occupied land and they helped settle disputes in land. Throughout their history the Tyrells were involved with all types of land transactions as can be viewed in the patent roll entries.

7. The Kings Finances

The King’s finances were often left in the hands of the governing families of the realm. It was to them that the king turned when he needed financing for public works and most importantly war. The Tyrells found themselves involved in this process through the collection of debts and taxes and meeting to determine loans.

William Tyrell was particularly involved in the collection of debts as a citizen tailor of London. There are several entries in the patent rolls in which people are ordered to make a payment to William. . John Tyrell, on the other hand, was involved in the many of the decisions to make loans to the king and the collection of taxes. One such commission required John Tyrell and others to meet with and persuade others to make a loan to the king in order to pay for his voyage to his property in France to make a quick end to his wars. Thomas was also asked treat with people to discuss a loan to the king so that Henry VI might travel to France for a meeting for peace with his Uncle Franco in order to end the war and the costs associated with it.

This type of action was common. Whenever the king needed financing he would turn to his men in order to finance his expeditions. After the Magna Carta it became increasingly more difficult for the King to finance his wars without the permission of his people. By ordering the ruling families of the realm to discuss the matter he was able to gauge support for and encourage his men to support the defense of the realm.

Along with these actions, John Tyrell served as the Treasurer to the Kings Household for Henry VI. Through these means and others the Tyrells did their part to maintain the finances of the feudal England.

8. Public Policy

Public Policy was an important concern of the governing families of feudal England. In order to shape public policy the Tyrells became involved in politics. Both John Tyrell and Thomas Tyrell became sheriffs of Essex and Hertsford. John also became a Knight of the Shire and represented the county of Essex in that capacity in parliament. Eventually John went on to become speaker of the House of Commons.


The Tyrells were an important and active family in maintaining the governance of the realm. Through all sorts of service to the realm the Tyrells left their imprint on feudal England. Their biggest impact was in the field of Law and Order however they also provided substantially for the welfare of the realm both by providing the means for spiritual guidance and stewardship of the widows and orphans of the realm. The family also contributed to both the maintenance of the infrastructure, finances and policies of the realm. Throughout the generations the Tyrells of Essex were a key ingredient to governing feudal England.

Patent Roll Entries for The Tyrells,
These entries include all of those mentioned with the last name Tyrell, Including those that may not be directly related to the Essex branch.
Law and Order
Entry 2
John son of Waryn Tyrell, staying in England, has letters nominating Thomas son of James le Petit and Robert son of Roger Tyrell as his attorneys in Ireland for two years.
David de Wollore received the attorneys.

pg 31 EDWARD III.— PART I. 535
(May 6) (John son of Waryn Tyrell, and Roger Tyrell) ( Ireland)
Entry 3
John son of Warin Tyrell, staying in England, has letters nominating Thomas son of James le Petit and Robert son of Roger Tyrell as his attorneys in Ireland, for one year.
David de Wollfore received the attorneys.
pg 25 Edward III volume 10 page 97
(Aug 9) (John son of Warin Tyrell, and Roger Tyrell)
Entry 6
Commission of oyer and terminer to William de Skipwyth, Thomas Tyrell, Thomas de Ingelby, William de Rise, William de Estfeld and Thomas de Wythornwyk, on complaint by the king’s daughter Isabel that John de Halton, Thomas son of Ralph de Marton, Stephen Colynsoii de Marton, Reynold de Bilton, Thomas son of Thomas Grayve of Witherwyk, John By the water, forester of Wodhall, John son of William Palmer, Thomas Faucomberge, Thomas Ibotson, John Lawe of Ellardy, Hugh Maresshal of Ellardby, Richard Berier, John son of Simon de Marton, William Grayve of Burton, John de Framton, Thomas Hikeman, Hugh Lanware, Thomas Mapelton, Robert Douson of Neuton, Robert son of Thomas Prestman of Ryse of Skirlagh, John de Halsham, John Wulf, Simon Erne, Thomas Elynson, Richard de Ravenser of Carleton, Robert West of Burton, John Prestman of Marton, Richard de Retford, John Fotoft, clerk, Thomas Proctour of Preston and others, entered her free warren and broke her parks at Brustwyk, co. York, hunted in these, fished in her free fisheries there, felled her trees, and carried away those trees, fish from the fisheries, deer from the parks, and hares, conies, pheasants and partridges from the warren, and trod down and consumed with cattle her grass there. By K.
Edward III volume 12 pg 539 and 540
(April 30) (1363) (Thomas Tyrell) (Comission of Oyer and Terminer)
Entry 10
The like to John de Moubray, John de Ferers, Robert Cornewe, Henry Percehay and Thomas Tyrell, on complaint by Elizabeth late the wife of Henry Durant that Ralph de Shillyngford and others broke her close and houses at Malstone, co. Devon, inhumanly assaulted her as she lay in her bed grievously oppressed as well because of childbearing as of divers infirmities and detained her imprisoned until she by a writing released the right of herself and her heirs in three messuages, a mill, four carucates, one virgate and 30 acres of land, 20 acres of wood and 100s.. of rent, in Malston, Estwogwill, Churleton, Northbovy and Thurelston, drove away 16 oxen of hers and carried away her goods.
Edward III volume 12 pg 206 (Commission of Oyer and Terminer)
(Feb 10) (Thomas Tyrell) (Malestone in Devon Co.)
Entry 11
Commission to John Moubray, Thomas Tyrell, Nicholas Carreu, Westminster. Thomas Morys and John de Estbury to find by inquisition in the county of Oxford, the names of those who, with Robert de Tuwe, master of the hospital of St. John without east gate of Oxford, John de Ichendenne, his confrere, William Hamond and William Cook, imprisoned and ill-treated John Glovere, servant of Ingelram de Coucy, earl of Bedford, at Oxford, took 201. in money which the earl had delivered to him for expediting his business, and compelled him, before he could leave prison, to be condemned in 100Z. to the said William and William before the chancellor of the university of Oxford, and to be bound to them in another 100Z. before the mayor of Oxford and the clerk of the recognizances at Oxford, whereby the earl’s business remained undone.
Edward III volume 13 pg 447
(July 6) (Thomas Tyrell) (Commission for inquisition) ( Oxford County, Oxford)
Entry 13
Pardon, for 44s. paid to the king by Thomas de Hungerford and Thomas his son, to them for acquiring in fee from Thomas Tyrell messuage, two carucates of land,15 acres of meadow and 60$.of rent in Berford, co. Wilts, held in socage of the king and others, and entering therein without licence; and licence for them to retain the same.
Edward III volume 13 pg 311
(Oct 13) (Thomas Tyrell) (Berford)
Entry 14
Ingram de Coucy, knight, going beyond the seas, has letters, nominating William de Wykeham, clerk, and Thomas Tyrell, ‘chivaler’ as his attorneys in England for one year.
The chancellor received the attorneys.
Edward III volume 13 pg 183
(Nov 21) (Thomas Tyrell)
Entry 15
Commission to Thomas Tyrell, Matthew de Clyvedon, John Bekynton and John de Mersshton to make inquisition in the county of Somerset touching an information that wastes, sales and destruction of lands, houses, woods and gardens of the manor of South Cadebur now in the king’s hands by the nonage of the heir of Thomas d Courtenay, ‘ chivaler,’ who held in chief, and expulsion of tenant thereof have been done by Nicholas de Cadebury, farmer of that mane by demise of the king’s daughter Isabel to whom the king committee the wardship of the lands of the said Thomas ; that many other trespasses and grievances against the men and tenants of the manor have been done by him; and that many of the said men and tenant have withdrawn and concealed their rents and services from him and have many times inflicted damages on and threatened him and his servants.
Edward III volume 13 pg 136
(Feb 1) (Thomas Tyrell) (Commission of Inquisition) (Manor of South Cadebur in Somerset County)
Entry 17
Ingram de Coucy,earl of Bedford and count of Soissons, going beyond the seas with the king’s license, has letters nominating Johnde Estburyas his attorney in England for one year. The chancellor received the attorney. He has other letters nominating William, bishop of Winchester, and Thomas Tyrell, knight, as his attorneys as above. David de Wollore received the attorneys.
Edward III volume 14 pg 271
(1369 June 11) (Thomas Tyrell)
Entry 18
The like to John Moubray, Thomas Tyrell, Edmund de Chelreye, Nicholasde Carreu and John de Estbury, on complaint by Ingram de Coucy, earl of Bedford, that Robert de Tuwe, master of the hospital of St. John without the east gate, Oxford, John de Ichendennheis confrere, William Hamond, William Cook and others imprisoned and ill-treated John Glovereh, is servant, at Oxford took and carried off 201. of the earl’s money delivered to the said John for the earl’s business, compelled the said John, before letting him go, to be condemned to the said William and William in 1002. before the chancellor of the University of Oxford and to be bound to them in another 1001.before the mayor of Oxford and the clerk of the recognizances of debts there, so that the earl lost the service of his servant for a great time and his business remained undone. ByK
Edward III volume 14 pg 48
(July 26) (Thomas Tyrell) ( Commission of Oyer and Terminer)
Entry 19
Commission of oyer and terminer to William de Skypwyth, John Kyppok, Robert de Preston and John Tyrell, touching evildoers who broke the closes, houses, parks, and stone-walls of the manors at Swerdes, Tallagh, Balymore, Dublin, Baliboght, Clondolk, Arduoth, Coloigne and Fynglas, co. Dublin, and other closes and houses of the other manors and places in the county of Kyldare of the temporalities of the archbishopric of Dublin, while these were in the king’s hand in the last voidance of the archbishopric, and entered the free warrens of the archbishopric and hunted in these and the said parks, felled trees and underwood there, tore out the lead from the gutters of some of the houses, vessels of lead and brass in the kitchens, brew-houses and other houses of the manors and places aforesaid in the furnaces, iron bars in windows and iron fastenings (ligamina) and locks in the doors of the houses, carried away the locks, fastenings, bars, vessels, lead, trees and underwood, the timber from some of the houses, stories from the walls and other goods of the temporalities, deer from the parks, and hares, conies, pheasants and partridges from the warrens, and burned the timber of the rest of the houses; and with others, after restitution of the temporalities had been made to Thomas, now archbishop of the said place, committed like trespasses. Mandate to the sheriffs of Dublin and Kildare to cause jurors to come before them at such days and places as they shall make known to them. Et erat patens.
Edward III volume 15 pg 309
(Feb 27) (John Tyrell) ( Dublin) (Commission of Oyer and Terminer)
Entry 21
Commission to John do Foxle, Hugh Tyrell, Walter Haywod, Michael Skyllyng and John do Welton to make inquisition in the county of Dorset touching an information that in the king’s castle of Corf, through default of keeping and good rule, a dangerous state of things exists at the present time, and that through like default many trespasses are done in his warren of Purbik ; also to find what the detriments in the castle and the trespasses in the warren are, and by whom these have been caused, how they can best be corrected and to what sum they amount, and to certify the king there of in Chancery.
Edward III volume 16 409-410
(1376 Sept 10) (Hugh Tyrell) ( Dorset County) ( Castle of Corf)
Entry 22
Commission of oyer and lonniwth Toiyde, Brian Robert Bealknap, Robert Filz Payn, Hugh Tyrell, Homy Pcrcehay, William de Lucy and Walter de Clopton, on complaint by Hubert Knolles that, whereas he freighted a ship called the Welfare of Dertmouth in the port of Plymmouth with goods for London, and on the voyage the ship was driven by the violence of the sea to Kymerych in Purbyk,co. Dorset, Thomas Coupe, William Colle of Lutton, William Bouche, Robert Renaud, Thomas Renaud, Honry Pepere, John IVpere, John Hore, Emma, his wife, William Horc, JohnPyk of Egleston, Robert Jolyf, Nicholas C’hubbo, Hugh Wetherman, Robert Chubbe, William Nywoman, Henry Nywoman, John Adam, Alice Haukynes, John Culle, Juliana Spore, Robert Swanlond, John de Estynham, clerk, Stephen Gone,the younger, Thomas Lonedrym of West Tynham, John Cartere of West Tynham, Nicholas Boys, William Frenssh, Robert Paulyn,Stephen Paulyn, Kchvurd le Duk, Robert Randolf, John Chapeleyn, John son of John Sparwe of Estlulleworth William son of William Hegeman of Stuple, John Kyngof Blakerneston, William Baghe of Stuple, Robert Clerk of Harpeston, John Aliam, William Dofreman, John Aiityoch of Warham,4 taillour,’ John Burcy of Dertemouth, Richard Blakeman of Dertemouth, John Jay of Langeton, the younger, Robert Corf, clerk, William Chyke, William Clavyll, the elder, John Remyston, parson of the church of Crychill, Andrew Chyke, William Colneye of iVrUMiumth, John Ramestonv the person vsbrother of Corf/ Thomas Stokys, William Wildero, John Ewan of Warham, John Forstor, Nicholas Smyth of Warham, John Hakes, John Chapman of Wynlmrn, Roger Presse of Warham, wwebbe,’ Alan Bakere, Robert (jydemey of Kymerich in Purbyk, William Chaldecote, William Culle of Lutton, Nicholas Wetherman, Nicholas Freyn, John Lovehater, John Neweman, William Pepe, Edward Pypere, William Waleys of Kymerych, John Swanlond, Roger Taillour of Corf, John Morland of Povyngton, John Anderbode of Brynnescombe, Thomas Gerard of Corf Castell, William Wyot of Kymerych, the elder, John Russel of Tynham, John Kyggel, Edward Maundeware of Purbyk, William Pach of Tynham, Thomas Maskell, chaplain, Robert Sendelove, John Hordere,’ Jones servant Shot,’ John Wetherman, Thomas Chaldewolle, John Chaldewolle, Henry Prest, William Wyot, the younger, John Pepe, Henry Pepe, Nicholas Dyngere, William Blachenwelle, Robert Bledewyne, John Prest of Westynham, William Prest of Westynham, John Godynch of Westynham, John Beaugraunt,John Pyperwhyt,Adam Denys,Robert Vikairs of Byre,William Kemere of Byre and others, entered the ship at Kymerych,carried away his goods and assaulted his men and servants. Because sealed at another time.
Edward III volume 16 408 – 409
(Sep5 1376) (Hugh Tyrell)
Entry 23
Grant that Alexander, bishop of Ossory, treasurer of Irelands, hall take by his own hands at the exchequer of Ireland the accustomed wages and fees for six men at arms and twelve archers whom the king has granted that he shall have of his retinue while he be in the office. [Foedera. Ex originali.] By C.
Appointment, during pleasure, of John Tyrell to be one of the justices to hold pleas following the justiciary of Ireland. By K. & C.
Edward III volume 16 303
(1376 Aug 6) (John Tyrell) ( Ireland)
Entry 26
Pardon for 20s. paid to the king by Margaret wife of Hugh de Badewe, knight, deceased, of the trespasses in the acquisition by Thomas Tyrell and Thomas Maundevill, knights, Roger de Bradeleye, Geoffre Cyolvill, the elder, and John Hoppere of two messuages and sixty acres of land in Great Badewe, called ‘ Mareseallestenement,’ held in chief, from the said Hugh and Margareint, the re-acquisition of the premises by the said Hugh and Margaret in tail male, with remainder to the right heirs of the said Hugh, and in the successive entry thereon by all without license.
Richard II Volume 1 494
(June 5) (Thomas Tyrell)
Entry 29
Protection with clause volumus, for one year, for John Cope, going to Ireland on the king’s service in the company of John de Bromwych, justiciary of Ireland. By bill of p.s.
The like for the following persons going in his company:Thomas Baudre. By bill of p.s.
George Rapole. John Trypon. John Tykill. By bill of p.s William Caton of Lancastre.
Alexander Tyrell of Preston in Amondernesse. By bill of p.s. Richard de Denne of Estpekham. By bill of p.s. Richard Gloveree,squire. By bill of p.s.
Richard II volume 1 pg 384
(Alexander Tyrell) ( Of Preston in Amondersnesse)
Entry 30
Inspeximus and confirmation, in favour of John Tyrell of Lyouns, of letters patent of the late king, scaled with the great seal in use in Ireland, dated Clonme1l2l, April 4,0 Edward III., tcste Lioned Duke of Clarence, supplying the king’s place there, being an exemption from being made mayor, bailiff, sheriff, escheator, guardian of the peace, coroner, collector or other officer or minister of the king there against his will, from bring put upon assizes, juries or recognizance’s in any courts in Ireland, and from being compelled to take the rank of knighthood. For 13s. 4e/,paid in the hanaper.
Richard II volume 1 pg258
(John Tyrell) of (Lyouns)
Entry 32
Grant— after recital of numerous grants by divers letters patent of the late king— in favour of Isabella, daughter of Edward III., the king’s aunt, on her petition in Parliament, praying that as all her castles, manors, lands,<fcc., with all her goods, are forfeited to the king on account of the surrender of the homage of her husband, Ingelram de Coucy, and his adhesion to the king of France, adequate provision may be made for her. In consideration of her noble birth and for her honourable maintenance whilst in England, the king, with the assent of the prelates and other nobles in Parliament, grants to Alexander, archbishop of York, William, bishop of London, Ralph, bishopof Salisbury, Guyde Briene, Roger de Beauehamp, Hugh de Segrave and Thomas Tyrell, knights, the manors, hamlets honors, lordships, towns, lands and tenements named in the aforesaid letters patent, and which have been seized into the king’s hands for the reason aforesaid, with the exception of the castle, manors and lands in the Isle of Wight, the farms of the city of Rochester and of the castle there with its wards, and of the towns of Scarborough and Waterford, 39 marks 10*. Yearly from the issues of the county of Nottingham 20, 1.yearly from those of the county of Bedford, the manors of Tremworth and Vanne [co. Kent], Haselbere, co. Somerset, and Somerford Keynes, co. Wilts;10/. rent in the suburb of Canterbury and 200 marks yearly receivable at the Exchequer, and 200/. yearly granted in aid of her danghier Philippa’s maintenance ; which lands hereby granted the said archbishop and the rest are to hold together with the knights’ fee?a,dvowsons, parks, woods, forests, chaces, warrens, liberties, &c.,as fully as the said Ingelram and Isabella held them before forfeiture, for her life, with this condition that as long as she stays in England the profits there from shall be kept for her use arid paid to her or her attorneys to be expended in the realm on her maintenance without account rendered to the king or his heirs, all collations and presentations to benefices being made to fit persons nominated by her. If during the said war she voluntarily, or otherwise by her husband’s command, pass beyond the realm, or under his compulsion send him lin rents, revenues and profits aforesaid, or any other goods, beyond the realm, the premises are to be reseized into the kings hands. The also grants to the said feoffees nil revenues accruing from the premises from thr time of the cause of seisure there of, all arrears of rent, all corn, hay, sheep, animals and stock belonging to the said Ingelram and Isabella upon the premises, all custodies of lands and heirs, and all other their goods at the date aforesaid, to the use of the said Isabella under the same conditions. Byp.s. [159.]
Richard II Volume 1 pg 174 – 175
(Thomas Tyrell)
Entry 33
Westminster July5. Appointment of William Lvtey, John Mautravers, William Latymer and John Tyrell to arrest and deliver to the keeper of the Marshal sea prison William. “Hridport. indicted for having broken the lodging of the bishop of Bath and Wells in the parish of St” Clement Danes without the bar of the Old Temple, London, wherein Master Walter Skirlawe, keeper of the privy seal, was lodging, and taken silver plate of the said Walter, viz. dishes, chargers, saucers, bowls, cups and plates to the value of 600 marks.
Richard II volume 2 pg 495
(John Tyrell)
Entry 34
Thomas Tyrell. for not appearing when sned with John Riskelistvn, Thomas llerry, John Gay, AVilliain Maggy,Roger Felnor, John Junan, John IL^rryand John Scot to render to John Tewyn chattels to the value of 12l. London.
Richard II Volume 2 pg 431
(Thomas Tyrell)
Entry 35
William Maggy, for not appearing when sued with John Riskelistyn, Thomas Herry , John Gay, Roger Felnor ,John Junan, John Herry, John Sent and Thomas Tyrell to render to John Tewyn chattels to the value of 12l. London.
Richard II Volume 2 pg 430
(Thomas Tyrell)
Entry 36
John Riskelistyn,for not appearing when sued with Thomas Kerry, John Gay, William Maggy Roger Felnor John Innan (or Iinian), John Herry, John Scot, and Thomas Tyrell to render to John Tewyn chattels to the value of 121.
Richard II volume 2 pg 393
(Thomas Tyrell)
Entry 42
Westminster April 26. Appointment during pleasure, of John Tyrell as chief justice of the King’s Bench of Catherlaigh for pleas therein, with the usual fee. ByK. &C
Richard II volume 3 436
(John Tyrell)
Entry 43
Pardons of outlawry to the following: John Tyrell, chaplain, for not appearing to answer John Wyket, Touching a trespass. Cornwall.
Richard II volume 3 pg 333 – 335
(John Tyrell)
Entry 46
Commission to Ralph baron of Greystok, Richard Redman, knight, and William Lancastre, knight, to arrest and deliver to the sheriff of Westmorland, for reasons declared before the king and council by the abbot and convent of the abbey of Heppin that county, the patronage whereof by the death of Thomas de Clifford, knight, tenant in chief, is in the king’s hand by the minority of his heir, the following persons, viz. Roland Vaux, Hugh Salkeld the elder, Roland de Threlkeld, Thomas Nicholson of Thornshapp, William do Bethom, Hugh de Bethoin, Robert de Bethom, Thomas de Bethoin and Hugh Salkeld the younger, and to instruct the said sheriff to bring them up to Westminster to answer before the king and council what is charged against them by the said abbot ; also to cause John do. Bethom,John dol Ri^ the younger, Adam do Morethwayt, Thomas de Dysford, William de Bolton, John de Melsyngby, Thomas de Haryngton, Thomas Hertson William Tournour, Andrew de Haryngton, Peter Holebankman, Thomas Robynson of Neuby, John de Kendall, William Lyghtlepe, John de Ascome, Robert de Tyrell, Adam Hebson, Robert Hebson, Robert Nicholson, William, son of Robert Tayllour of Morland, Thomas Hoteblake, Richard Donker, Thomas de Chestre, Matthew de Chestre, Thomas Walker of Little Strykland, William Bakhousof Neubyand Thomas Bryan of Thryneby, who are continually threatening the lives and limbs of the abbot and his canons, tenants and servants, and to burn their houses, to appear before them, the commissioners, and find mainpernors, in a sum to be fixed by the commissioners, not to do any damage to the said abbot and the rest. By C.
(Robert de Tyrell)
Richard II volume 5 pg 654
Entry 49
Westminster, April 16. Commission to Henry, earl of Northumberland, Ralph, baron of Greystok, Richard Rodman, knight, sheriff of Cumberland, William de Lancastre, knight, William Culwen, knight, John de Crakenthorp, sheriff of Westmorland, and John de Lancastre of Rydale, for reasons proposed before the -king and council by the abbot and convent of Hepp, co. Westmorland, of which abbey the patronage is in the king’s hand by the death of Thomas de Clifford, knight, tenant in chief, and the minority of his heir— to arrest and commit to the custody of the said sheriffs, to beby them brought before the king and council at Westminster the following persons, viz. John Ryg the older, William de Kondalo, John de Bethum, William de Bethum, Thomas de Bethum, Robert de J-ethum, Hugh de Bethum, Thomas de Haryngton, Adam de Morthwayt, John del Ryg the younger, John de Kendale, Adam Hebson, Thomas Bryan and Robert de Tyrell ; and to compel Thomas Disseford, William de Bolton, John de Melsyngby, Thomas Hertson,William Tournour, Andrew de Haryngton, Peter Hellebankema, Thomas Robynson of Neweby, William Lightelope, John de Ascum, Robert llobson, Robert Nicolson, Williams, on of Robert Taillour of Morland, Thomas Hotblake, Richard Donker, Thomas Chestre, Matthew Chestre, Thomas Nicolson of Thornshapp,Thomas Walker of Little Stirkeland, William de Bakhous of Nowebanyd Richard Raa, who threaten the lives and limbs of the abbot and his canons, tenants, men and servants, and to burn their houses- -to find mainpornors in a sufficient penalty to do them no damage,with power to imprison the said persons,
Richard II volume 6 pg 157 – 158
(Robert de Tyrell)
Entry 52
Whereas in the account of Nicholas Usk, late treasurer of Calais, rendered at the Exchequer by John Usk John Appelby and Richard Tyrell, executors of his will, the said Nicholas was found to be indebted to the king in 1,047/. 2.s. 8|W. ; and the executors in part payment have delivered 300 marks to the king in his chamber for the expenses of the same, and have offered certain obligations and other evidences amounting to the sum of 400 marks due to the said Nicholas in his lifetime to the treasurer and barons of the Exchequer and the king’s chamberlains, and have given the king to understand Unit certain persons to whom the kings indebted in large sums arc willing to Accept the greatest part of the same obligations mid evidences; the king, because all the goods of the said Nicholas at the time of his death are insufficient to satisfy him, And becausethe treasurer has personally appeared before him in Chancery and verbally acknowledged the deliveryof the said obligations and evidences, pardons to the said Nicholas and his executors and others the said sum of 1,047£. 2s. 8^/. and other charges against the said Nicholas.
Henry IV volume 3 pg 6 – 7
(Richard Tyrell)
Entry 55
Pardon to John Gyffard, ‘ webbe,’ Robert JPagge,Walter Maynard, William Pulle, Henry Capron, Nicholas Port-Key, John Snelle the elder,William Spekke, Walter Hugges, Robert Clene, ‘ taillour,’ Walter Stoby, Walter Wykyng, John Billebury, Richard Smale, David Carpenter, Robert Sadeler, Richard Warde, William Pagge, Thomas Estcote, John Freke, Robert Byrche, John Lacy, Walter Shorewey, John Holwey, John Malverne, William Wawe, John Badecok, John Snelle the younger, William Wyggeput, John Stoke,’ webbe,’ William Damysell, John Delle, John Hardyng, John Leche, John Grendon, Stephen Baker, William Irmonger, Thomas Sporyour of Cirencestre, Edward Smyth of Cirencestre, John Hebber of Cirencestre, John Hosyer of Cirencestre, John Toky the elder, John Paradys,Thomas Straunge, Richard Stanys, John Coston, Thomas Broun,’ webbe,’ John Swyft, Nicholas Bathe, Thomas Gage, John Louekyn, Thomas Oxenford, John Caproun, William Nywelond, William Calke, John Sprynge, John Lye, Ralph ate Halle, Henry Esmond, Richard Draper, Thomas Calbrygge, Thomas atte Welle, John Gage, Robert Benet of Cirencestre, John Evesham, ‘ webbe,’ John Grey, John Paber, Thomas Hore, Robert Wodeward, Henry Northcote, William Draper, John Shildesley, Thomas Dyer of Cirencestre, Thomas Smyth of Cirencestre, Robert Bernard, Robert Avenell, John Stileman, Henry Glover, John Draper, William atte Mille,’webbe,’ Thomas Sheddeworth, Henry Veysy, Richard Derlyng, William Kyng, John Terlyng, William Dene, William Bristowe, ‘glover,’ John Waterton,’ taillour,’ John Forthey, Robert Young, John Metebourne, John Spencer, Thomas Hawardyn, John Tyrell, Robert Taillour of Chepyngstrete, John Norys, John Bray, Richard Sporyour of Cirencestre, John Adams,’ glover,’ – William Brasyer, WilliamSmale, James Webbe, William Notyngham, John Archer,’ webbe,’ and Thomas Coryour, men of the town of Cirencestre, for all treasons, insurrections, felonies, trespasses, inobediences, rebellions, negligences, misprisions, maintenances, contempts, councils, abetments, conventicles, confederacies, extortions, oppressions, offences, impeachments and other evil deeds. By K. and for 201. paid in the hanaper.
Henry V volume 1 pg 168 – 169
(John Tyrell) Cirencestre
Entry 61
John earl of Oxford being within age and in the king’s ward, married without licence, Elizabeth, daughter of John Howard the younger, knight, after refusing a competent marriage proposed him bythe kingwho had 1,OOOZ offered him for the same. But on the said John’s petition for grace, in consideration of his service about thie king’s person, by advice \\.’ L of the council, and for 2,000?.the king has pardoned these trespasses. Iij The 2;OOOZ are. to be paid as follows, viz. 1,OOOZ at. the Exchequer at j.j the rate of 200?. a year for the next five years, -ait Christmas and Mid-summer; for which payment John Hotoft,treasurer of the household, John Feateby of the county of Surrey, esquire, Thomas Rolf of the county of Essex, John Tyrell of thie same, esquire, Richard Baynard of N the same, esquire, Robert Darcy of the same, esquire, William Haute of Kent, Edward Tynell of Essex, esquire, John Sad, parson of Laven- j; ham,co. Suffolk,and Robert Wrytele of Essex, have become sureties I each in 100/. Payment of the other 1,OOOZis. respited until the king he of such age as to desire it or give further respite or show grace to the said earl in the matter. Byp.
Henry VI Volume 1pg 543
(John and Possibly Edward Tyrell)
Entry 68
Commission to Henry, lord Fitz Hugh, Ralph, lord Cromwell, John Colvyle, knight, Richard Leyot, Thomas Brous, John Stokes, doctors of laws, David ap Rees, licentiate in laws, clerks, and to Geoffrey Louther and John Tyrell, esquires, or to any two or more of them, to enquire into the complaint of Hugh Story, Thomas Bewyk and William Karre, the elder, of Ogle, thait undue favour was shown by Henry Percy, earl of Northumberland and warden of the East March towards Scotland, to William, baron of Hilton, plaintiff, and erroneous judgment given in his favour against them, being defendants in a case arising out of the alleged despoiling a certain William Karre, a Scotch prisoner.
Henry VI volume 1 pg 78
(John Tyrell)
Entry 78
Robert Louth of Hertfordyngbury, co. Hertford’ ,gentilman,’ for not appearing before the same to answer John Moungomery, knight, Maurice Bruyn, knight, Nicholas Dixon, clerk, John Hotoft, Thomas Frowyk, John Fray, Lewis John, John Tyrell, Eichard Baynard, Robert Darcy, Richard Fox, Richard Wentworth and Thomas Phylyp touching a plea of debt of 20/. Hertford.
Henry VI volume 2 pg 318
(John Tyrell)
Entry 80
The like pardon to Anne, wife of John Cumbyrlowe, for acquiring for life by grant of Lewis Johan, Richard Baynard, John Tyrell, Robert Darcy, Richard Fox, Robert Molynton, William Faukes, well and Richard Duryvall, and entering without licence all those lands, tenements, rents and services called ‘le Newesshepen,’ with a field called *Manfeld’ and three parcels of land called ‘ Curleighmerssh, Fordecroft,’ and « Beryhall* in Wodeham Wautier and TJltyng, parcel of the manor of Wodeham Wautier. The like pardon, for — paid in the hanaper, to Walter Asshe of Bekton. co. Suffolk, for acquiring for life from John Tyrell and Robert Molynton, and entering without licence, a field called *le Westfeld’ with a pasture called * le Fanne,’ the profit of the aftermath of two meadows called, respectively, * le Holemed’ and ‘ le Curleighmead,’ and a tenement with all its lands, meadows and pastures, called « Heywardes,’ in Wodeham aforesaid. Vacated because unexecuted.
Henry VI volume 2 pg 208
(John Tyrell)
Entry 83
Pardon, for 20?. paid in the hanaper, to William Carent, Thomas Hody, John Hody, Thomas Husee, John Tyrell, Robert Hunte, John Grene, Robert Squybbe, Gilbert Wyke and Robert Colyngbourne for acquiring to themselves and their heirs from John Stourton, knight, and entering, without licencethe manor of Estanes ad montem, alias Eston atte Mountealias Eyston atte Mounteco,. Essex, and the advowson of its church, which are held in the king in chief, license for them to retain the same.
Henry VI volume 2 pg 119
(John Tyrell)
Entry 85
Richard Bakere of Wodebastwy co, Norfolk, ‘yoman,’ for not appearing beforethe same to answer John Tyrell, esquire, Peter Payn and NicholasWaterman touching a plea of debt of 20 marks. Essex.
Henry 6 volume 2 pg 10 (pardon)
(John Tyrell)
Entry 87
John Tyrell alias John Tyret of Olney, co. Buckingham. yoman.’ For not appearing before the same to answer Nicholas Chyld. Touching a plea of debt of 14l. 10s.
Henry VI volume 3 pg 331
(John Tyrell)
Entry 93
Because the King has understood by a petition presented to him by Thomas Tyrell of Hertford gaol late servant of the king’s mother, that where Granted by her letter patent to the said Thomas the office of Feo***** in the counties of Hertford and Essex for her life to the value of 100s yearly and the king after her deceaseby letters patent ***** said office to Nicholas Bohnell yeoman of the crown, the **** **** the ****** Thomas service to the said queen for fourteenyears and more, granted to him tho said of Bcc of gaolar for life, and though diyers persons, byan inquisition taken before John Frayand others at Hertford, co. Hertford, on Wednesday after the Kpiphany List, presented that on 10 Maich, 10 HenryVI, Thomas Tyrell then heir sheriff of the county, one William atte Wodc\ late of Hertford ynirbury, co. Hertford,’laborer,’ indicted of felony, broke prison, not withstanding that .the said Thomas Hulle paid 100s. therefore to the king. servant John Korster, yeoman of the saddle, born before the taking of the inquisition and that he had letters of pardon for the escapes of John Derbarn, chaplain, and John Thomas, yet, on the ground that the said pardon was invalid through the inquisition,they further presented in the time of the said Thomas Tvrell that on (> June, 10 Henry VI, Robert Clerk of New market, co. Cambridge, chaplain, and ‘Thomas C’ouper, taken at Ohesthunt by information of the said presenters for suspicion of felony, broke prison, whereas really there were no such men in the prison, and that on the said (>June one ‘Thomas Kverton of Norfolk, taken at Stondon for suspicion of felony, broke prison, whereas he was not imprisoned save for surety of the peace, and that on (>August, 20 Henry VI, Ralph Astelev then behu>’ sheriff, William Taverner of Knebworth,co. Hertford, ‘laborer,’ taken for suspicion of felony,broke prison, whereas he did not break prison, but was delivered to bail byJohn Hotoft,justice of the peace in the county, and that on Sunday before St. Pionisius the Hishop, 21 Henry VI, In the time of the said Kalph, William Sabyn <///'</> William Taylour of Knebworth, ‘ taylour,’ taken for suspicion of felony, broke prison, whereas he was delivered to bail as above, and that on the same dayJohn OutYeld bite of llerffordyn^bury, ‘labourer,’ taken for the like, broke prison, whereas he was not then imprisoned save for surely of the peace, and that on the same dayPeter Starky, late of llertfordyn^bury, ‘yoman,’ John Starky, Lite of the same, ‘yoman,’ and John Wawen of London, dwelling in Holhorn, *carpenter,’ taken for the like, broke prison, for which escapes the said sheriffs are chargeable and the said Thomas Hulle is chargeable to them, lor which cause he is under arrest and has a dayto appear in the Kxchequcr on the morrow of All Saints’ Dayand on his appearance is to be committed to the Klete prison : the kin;;1 has pardoned the said sheriffs a.nd Thomas llulle the said escapes, and has further pardoned Thomas Tyrell 20/. adjudged upon him for the escapes of William ate Wode, Robert Clerk, Thomas Couper and Thomas Everton. Byp.
Henry VI volume 4 pg 230-231
(Thomas Tyrell)
Entry 95
Commission of oyer and terminer to Nicholas Ayssheton,Walter Moile, Philip Courteney, knight, John Colshull, knight, Roger Champernoun and William Holondin, Cornwall, touching all felonies, trespasses, misprisions, offences, riots, routs, congregations, extortions, oppressions, assaults and other misdeeds committed therein by Richard Tregoys of Tregoys, co. Cornwalle, squire, Edmund Kendale, clerk, Richard Kendale,’ gentilmari,’ William Hurde, c gentilman,’ Robert Tyrell, ‘ yoman,’ Martin Barbour,’ yoman,’ William Leylond, chaplain, Edward Costard,’yoman,’ John Lacy,’yoman,’ William Gom,chaplain, Stephen Olyver,’ yoman,’ Roger Ilcombe, 4 yoman,’ Robert Cornu,’ yoman, William Ilcombe, ‘ yoman,’ Thomas Gurde,’ yoman,’ Richard Costard,’ taillour,’ Roger More,chaplain, John Gom,c yoman,’ John Lynam,the younger, ‘ yoman,’ John Gibbe the younger, ‘ yoman,’ John Baker,’ yoman,’ and Thomas Peauterer, ‘ yoman,’ all of Lostwithiellco,. Cornwall.
Henry VI volume 5 pg 585
(Robert Tyrell)
Entry 96
Commission of oyer and terminer to Henry, duke of Exeter, John, earl of Oxford, John, earl of Shrewsbury, John, earl of Worcester, John Talbot of Lysle, knight, Nicholas Wyfold, mayor of London, John Eortescu, knight, John Prisot, Peter Ardern, William Yelverton, John Markham, Richard Byngham, John Portirngton, Nicholas Asshton, Robert Danvers, Thomas Tyrell, knight,” Henry Frowyk, Stephen Broun, John Atherley, Simon Eyre, John Olney and Thomas Byllyng, appointing them to proceed in Chancery on an indictment of Thomas Danyell late of London,esquire, before Thomas dial ton, late mayor of London, and his fellows, justices of oyer and terminer in London,for treasons and felonies.
(Thomas Tyrell)
Henry VI volume 5 pg 532
Entry 99
Pardon, for 40,5. paid in the hanaper, to Thomas Coke, Thomas Tyrell, knight, John Noryce, esquire. Philip Malpas, William Venour, John Everton, esquire, William Hille, clerk, and Ralph Josselyn, for acquiring in fee from Reynold, bishopof Chichester, Walter, bishop of Norwich, John Broddes wortcihtizen, and mercer of London, John Somerseth, John Fray, Roger Birkes, William Wangford, William Selman,Geoffrey Fildyng, Thomas Steel and Robert Gayton,and John Wilton and John Penne,citizen and mercer of London, deceased, a manor or messuage called ‘ Erles,’ 100 acres of land, 15 acres of wood and 5 acres of meadow in Haveryng,co. Essex,and an acre of meadow in the meadow called ; Brightmares made’ in Haveryng marsh and 2 acres of meadow called ‘ Hassok ‘ in the said marsh, and all lands and meadows in Haveryngheld in chief, and for entering therein without licence ; and grant that theymay hold the premises in fee.
Henry Vi volume 5 pg 517
(Thomas Tyrell)
Entry 100
Commission of oyer and terminer to John, duke of Norfolk, John, earl of Oxford, Henry, viscount of Bourghchier, William Yelverton, John Markham, Robert Danvers, Richard Waldegrave, knight, William Tyrell the elder, John Clopton, John Denston and Thomas Higham, in Suffolk, touching all treasons, felonies, insurrections, riots routs congregations and tresspasses since 8 july last.
Henry VI volume 5 pg 477
(William Tyrell)
Entry 101
Commission to William Tyrell the younger, Thomas Skargyll, Thomas Stokdale and John Rand, appointing them to arrest and bring before the king and council Robert Broun, chaplain, Robert Ufford, geniilman,’ John Wetyng,’ gentilman,’ John Buston,’ gentilman,’ William Botyll,’ waterman,’ ThomasVale,’ taillour,’ all of Berkyng, and William Payne alias Bocher to answer certain charges.
Henry VI volume 5 pg 443
(William Tyrell the Younger)
Entry 102
Westminster, Commission to John, duke of Norfolk, John, earl of Oxford, Henry, viscount of Burghchier, Peter Ardern, William Yelverton, John Markham, Robert Danvers, Thomas Tyrell, knight, John Poreward the elder, William Tyrell the younger, John Godmanston, Geoffrey Rokell,John Grene,William Buryand Matthew Hay, appointing them to make inquisition in Essex touchingall heretics and lollards.
Henry VI volume 5 pg 440
(William Tyrell the Younger)
Entry 103
Feb. 18. Commission to the said duke, earl and viscount, William Yelverton, John Markham, Robert Danvers, Robert Corbet, knight, Richard Waldegrave, knight, and William Tyrell the elder, appointing them to make inquisition in Suffolk,touching all treasons, felonies, riots and insurrections committed therein since 8 July last.
Henry VI volume 5 pg 440
(William Tyrell the elder)
Entry 104
Commission to Richard, earl of Warwick, John, earl of Worcester, Henry, viscount of Bourghchier, Thomas de Roos, knight, John Prisot, Peter Ardern, Robert Danvers, John Fastolf, knight, Thomas Tyrell, knight, and Richard Haryngton, knight, appointing them to make inquisition in Kent touching all treasons, felonies, trespasses, rebellions, insurrections, misprisions, congregations, unlawful gatherings and other offences committed by Robert Spenser late of Feversham, co. Kent, ‘ sopemaker,’ John Mortymer late of Meydeston, co. Kent, ‘sowedeour,’ William Vernoii late of Chalkwell in the parish of Milton, co. Kent,’ tyler,’ Simon Skryveiier late of Herne, co. Kent, ‘ theccher,’ Geoffrey Kechyn late of Dertfordco, Kent,’ servaunt,’ and Thomas Andrewes late of London, laborer.’ By K.
Henry VI volume 5 pg 437
(Thomas Tyrell)
Entry 105
Commission of oyer and terminer to John, earl of Oxford, Henry Westminster, viscount of Bourglichler, William Yelverton, Thomas Tyrell, knight, John Doreward the elder and John Godmanstonin, Colcestre, touching all treasons and felonies committed therein since 8 July last.
Henry VI volume 5 pg 436
(Thomas Tyrell)
Entry 106
Commission of oyer and terminer to Richard, duke of York,Henry, viscount of Bourghchier, John Prsot, Nicholas Ayssheton, Robert Danvers, John Fastolf, knight, Thomas Tyrell, knight, and Richard Waller, in Kent and Sussex, touching all treasons,insurrectionsre,bellions, felonies,riots, routs, congregations, associations, gatherings, unlawful leagues, concealments, trespasses,oppressions, extortions, misprisions, offences, maintenances, usurpations, champerties, conspiracies, excesses, injuries,grievances and other misdeeds committed therein since 8 Julyl ast.
Henry VI volume 5 pg 435 1451
(Thomas Tyrell)
Entry 107
Westminster. Commission of over and terminer to Master Andrew Huls, clerk, keeper of the privy seal, Master Robert Stilyngton, clerk, Master John Derby, clerk Thomas Tyrell, knight, Richard Waller, esquire, and Geoffrey Fildyng and William Cantelowe, aldermen of London, reciting that whereas a hulk called le Saint Georgeof Bruges, whereof Segier Parmentier and other merchants of Bruges were possessors and merchants, laden with their goods and merchandise, was taken and spoiled near Portesmouth by certain the king’s subjects in a ship called le Nicholas del Tour,in a ship of Henry,duke of Exeter, whereof John Norton was master, in a barge of HenryBruyn,esquire, whereof John Yong was master, in a vessel called le Carveil of Portesmouth, whereof Clais Stephen was master, in a barge of the mayor of Wynchelse, whereof Robert Bawedewyn was master, and in a barge of William Cook of Portesmouth,wherof John Amigo was master, and in other ships and vessels, contrary to the truce between the kingand Philip, duke of Burgundy :— the said commissioners are appointed to receive and examine any petitions and complaints of the said possessors and merchants and to commit to prison the guilty herein, until they make restitution.
Henry VI Volume 5 pg 434-435
(Thomas Tyrell)
Entry 108
The like of Henry, viscount of Bourghchier, Thomas Cobham, knight, Thomas Tyrell, knight, Thomas Flemmyng, knight, John Doreward the elder, John Godmanston, John Grene and William 9 Buryas justices to deliver the gaol of Colcestre castle of John Netlyngton, Thomas Pewterer, WilliamHeyward, John West, John Harry Thomas Howell, Richard Gardyner, John Sharpand, Walter Adycok.
Henry VI volume 5 pg 433
(Thomas Tyrell)
Entry 109
The like of John, earl of Oxford, Henry, viscount of Bourghchier, William Yelverton, Thomas Cobham, knight,Thomas Tyrell, knight, Thomas Flemmyng, knight, John Doreward the elder, John Godmanston and Matthew Hayas justices to deliver the gaol of Colcestre castle, as above [last entry but one],
Henry VI volume 5 pg 433
(Thomas Tyrell)
Entry 110
Commission to John, earl of Oxford, Henry, viscount of Bourgchier, Thomas Grey of Richemond, knight, Thomas Cobbeham, knight, Thomas Tyrell, knight, Thomas Flemyng, knight, John Fitz Symond, knight, John Doreward the elder, Robert Darcy, William Tyrell the younger, John Godmanston, Henry Langley and the sheriff of Essex, appointing them to call together all the king’s lieges of whatsoever estate, rank and condition to go with them against all traitors and rebels in the said’ county and counties adjacent and arrest and imprison the same.
Henry VI volume 5 pg 431
(Thomas and William the younger Tyrell)
Entry 113
Commission to the treasurer of England or his deputy, Thomas Tyrell, knight, Richard Waller, esquire, and the chamberlains of the Exchequer, appointing them to arrest all goods and sums of money brought with him by one calling himself John Mortymer and to put the same in safe keepingand to dispose of the same to such persons as they think fit for the capture of John and his adherents. Byp.s. etc.
Henry VI volume 5 pg 387
(Thomas Tyrell)
Entry 114
General pardon to John Mortymer, at the request of the queen, though he and others in great number in divers places of the realm and specially in Kent and the places adjacent of their own presumption gathered together against the statutes of the realm to the contemt of the king’s estate; and if he or any other wish for letters of pardon, the chancellor shall issue the same severally. By K. The like to the following: William Tyrell the younger, esquire, Matthew Hay, esquire, John Batell, esquire, Richard Shodewell, gentilman,’ Roger Wyke of Colchestre and Richard Stace the elder, in Essex and Middlesex. By K.
Henry VI volume 5 pg 338
(William Tyrell)
Warring and the Defense of the Realm
Entry 27
Commission to Edward Conrtenay, earl of Devon, Guyde Brien, Philip Courlena-y, John Pomeray, William Bonevill,Richard Stapilton and William Asthorp, knights, Martin Forrers, James Chuddele, and the sheriff of Devon, to array and equip all the men of that county between the ages of 1Cand 60,and to keep them, the mun-at-arms, hobelers and archers, in readiness to resist foreign invasion; with power to arrest and imprison the clisolx3(iient. B7C-in Parl. The like to the following persons in the places named :
William Bottereux, knight, Ralph Cannynowe, knight, Ralph Cicrgeux, knight, John de Kentwodek, night, William Fitz Wauter, knight, Thomas Peverell, John Whalesburg Whilliam Talbot, John Benvill, and the sheriff, in the county of Cornwall. Edmund, earl of Cambridge, constable of Dover castle, warden of the Cinque Ports and the king’s lieutenant John de Cobeham, Robert Bealknap, Stephen Valens, Thomas Fog, Thomas Cobham, Jamos de Pekham, John do Fremyigham William Hornand the sheriff in the county of Kent. William de Ufford, earl of Suffolk, John de Cavendish, John de Sutton, Richard de Waldegrave John Shardelowe, William Wengefeld, Robert Corbet and the sheriff, in the county of Suffolk. William de Ufford, earl of Suffolk, William Bardolf of Wyrmegeye, John de Clifton, Robert Howard, John Harsyk, Stephen Hales, John Holkhanin and the sheriff, in the county of Norfolk. Robert de Wylughby. Philip Darcy, John de Welle, Ralph de Cromwell, Thomas de Kydale, William Hauley, William Belesby, William de Wylughby John de Boys and the sheriff, in the parts of Lyndesey, co. Lincoln. Gilbert de Umframvill, earl of Angos, Andrew Luterell, Anketin Malore, William Bussy, Thomas Claymon, Edlias Middelton, William Boston and the sheriff, in the parts of Kestevenco,. Lincoln. Philip Spenser, William de Thorp, Robert Roos of Gedeneye, John de Rocheford Andrew de Leek, Simon Symeon, William Spaigne, Roger Toup, and the sheriff in the parts of Holand, co. Lincoln. Roger de ScalesH,ugh la ZoucheJo,hn de Brune,John de Burgh, the elder, John de Grauncestre, Thomas Haselden, William Castelacre, William Bateman and the sheriff, in the county of Cambridge. Gilbert Umframvill, earl of Angos, HenryPercy earl of Northumberland, John de Nevill of Raby, Henry Lescrope, John Dychaud, Thomas de Ilderton, Alan de Strother William Hesilrig Walter Heron and the sheriff, in the county of Northumberland.
Roger de Clifford,Ralph,baron of Greystok, Matthew Redman, Christopher de Lancastre, Adam Blencowe, Robert Hormesheved and the sheriff, in the county of Cumberland. Roger de Clifford Thomas de Musgrave, Thomas de Roos, Gilbert de Culwen, Hugh de Louther, Thomas de Staunford and the sheriff, in the county of Westmoreland. Henryde Braylesford Robert de Twyford, Samson Strelley, Edmund Cokayn, Oliver de Barton, William de Sallowe and the sheriff, in the county of Derby. John Cressy, John de Loudham the elder, Hugh de Husee, Simon de Leek, Robert de Morton, Elias de Thoresby and the sheriff, in the county of Nottingham. Roger de Clifford, Roger de Pulthorp, William de Melton, James de Pikeryng, William Mirfeld, Robert de Morton, William de Gairgrave, Henryde Pudesey, John de Preston and the sheriff, in the West Riding. Henry Percy, earl of Northumberland, Richard Lescrope, Henry Fitz Hugh, Donald de Hesilrig, Robert Roos of Ingmanthorp, Thomas de Boynton, Richard de Richemond, John Lokton, John Laton and the sheriff, in the North Riding. Henryde Percy, earl of Northumberland Peterr de Maulay, William de Aton, Ralph de Hastynge, Joshn de Sancto Quintino, Robert de Hilton, John Conestable of Halsham, John Bygot, William Percehay, William Risseby, John de Ask, William de Holm and the sheriff, in the East Riding. Roger Belera, Ralph de Ferrers, John Talbot, James Belers, Thomas de Hertyngton, John Burdet, John Hauberk, William Burgh, and the sheriff, in the county of Leicester. Tliomtis de Beauchamp, earl of Warwick, John de Clyntou, Baldwin Frovill, Thomas Bermyngeham, John Dodyngseles, John Rous, Thomas de Meryngton and the sheriff, in the county of Warwick. William la Zouche of Haryngworth, John de la Warre, William de Thorp, Thomas de Preston, Thomas de Greiie, Henryde Grene, John de Tyudale and the sheriff, in the county of Northampton. Thomas le Despenser, John Basynges, Thomas de Burton, Laurence Hauberk, John de Wittelesbury and the sheriff, in the county of Rutland. William Moigne, William Russeby, John Wauton, Robert Bevill, Simon de Burgh, John Lovetoft, John de Hemyugford and the sheriff, in the county of Huntingdon. Reginald Grey of Ruthyn,Thomas Peyvcre, Gerardde Braibrok, John de Malyns, Ralph son of Richard, Ralph de Walton and the sheriff, in the county of Bedford. William de Molyns, Thomas Sakevill, John de Ailesbury, John de Bermyngeham, John de Tiryngham, John Neirnuyt and the sheriff, in the county of Buckingham. Thomas Fitlyng, Walter atte Lee, William de Hoo, John Henxteworth, Robert Turk, John Westwycombe, John Lodewyk and the sheriff, in the county of Hertford. Thomas de Hungerford, Laurence de Sancto Martino, Hugh Tyrell, John de la Mare, Ralph Cheyne, Edward Cerne, John Dauntesey, Michael Skillyng, Nicholas Bonham and the sheriff, in the county of Wilts.
Richard II volume 1 page 471 – 473
(March 20) (Hugh Tyrell)
Entry 28
Commission to John de Arundell, marshal of England, Thomas de Percy, admiral of the north, Hugh do Calvyle. admiral of the west, John de Monte Acuto, Thomas West, Bernard Brocas, Hugh Tyrell, William de Klinhnm, William de Farndon, Maurice de Bruyn, Ralph de Norton, Walter Hnywode and John <!<> P.ittcslliorn, sheriff of Southampton, enquire touching diverse trespasses in that county committed against the people by men-at-arms, archers and others on the king’s service in the company of the said marshal and admirals in the present expedition to Brittany, in taking without payment horses, oxen, cows, cocks, hens geese, victuals and other goods. ByC.
Richard II volume 1 pg 420 -421
(1379) (Hugh Tyrell) (Southhampton)
Entry 59
Commission of array to William Sturmy,’ chivaler,’ William Cheyne, ‘chivaler,’ Thomas Bonham, Edmund Daundeseye, John Stourton the younger, John Westbury and the sheriff in the county of Wilts, on information that the king of Castile and Leon and the king of Aragon have prepared a great armada of ships and vessels of Spain with no small number of the king’s enemies and propose to burn and destroy the king’s ships and the shipping of the realm and invade the realm. By C.
The like to the following and the sheriffs in the counties named :— John Arundell, * chivaler,’ Robert Hill, Justice, William Talbot, * chivaler,* and Thomas Arundell, * chivaler,’ in the county of Cornwall. William Coggeshale, ‘ chivaler,’ John Tyrell, Robert Teye, Reginald Malyns, Philip Englefeld and Lewis John, in the county of Essex.
Henry V volume 2 pg 323
(John Tyrell) ( Essex)
Entry 70
Commission to Walter Hungerford, knight, Ralph Botiller, knight, and John Stopyndon, king’s clerk, and two of them, to take at Sandwich on Friday next the muster of Humphrey, duke of Gloucester and, of the men at arms and archers who are going in his retinue to the rescue of Cales. By C. The like to the following: John Tiptoft, knight, Master William Lyndewode, keeper of the privy seal, and John Bate, clerk, for the muster of John, earl of Huntingdon and, his retinue. By C. John Tyrell, knight, Geoffrey Louther and John Brekenok, for the muster of Richard, earl of Warwick, and John de la Veer, earl ofOxford, and their retinues. ByC.
Henry VI volume 2 pg 611
(John Tyrell)
Entry 81
Grant, by advice of the council, to John Tyrell, king’s knight, treasurer of the household, for good service to the last and present kingsin their French wars, of 100 marks a year out of the fee-farm of the city of Lincoln, as John Hotoft, late treasurer of the household, had, during the nonage of Thomas, son and heir of the lord Eoos who last died, and from heir to heir, or until he be otherwise provided for. By p.
Henry VI volume 2 pg 155
(John Tyrell)
Entry 82
Commission to Ralph Crumwell, Knight, John Typtoft, knight, Stephen Popham, knight, John Tyrell, John Uvedale, William Burgh and William Soperto take at Portesdouneon Monday next, the musters of William Clynton, knight, and ThomasTunstall, knight, and of the men at arms and archers who are about to proceed to France in their retinue; the same commissioners omitting Typtoft and Tyrell, are at the same time and place to take the musters
Henry VI volume 2 pg 133
(John Tyrell)
Entry 7
Commission de wallis et fossatis to Thomas Morice, Thomas Frowy and John de Brikelesworth, in the towns of Stebenhithe and Bram beleye, co. Middlesex, by the shore of the water of Thames from the Tower of London to the hill called La Leye. The like to Thomas Tyrell, William de Estfeld, Thomas Wythornwyk, and William de Hoton, in the parts of Holderness, co. York.
Edward III volume 12 pg 534
(March 30) (April 26) (Thomas Tyrell) (Holderness)
Entry 53
Commission to Robert Oxenbrigge, Richard Aylard, John Salarne, the elder, John Fisshelake, Richard Tyrell and John Anton, on information that divers woods for a palisade which the kinghas caused to be made for the defence of the base court of the castle of Guynes by the king’s esquire John Norbury, late captain of the Castle, at ‘ le Bataill,’ co. Sussex, made and shaped at’ the ports of Wynchelse and Rye and divers other places within the counties of Kent and Sussex have been stirred by the How of the sea and carried off by divers lieges of the king, to seize all such and carry them to the castle and compel restitution to be made, and take carpenters, labourers and workmen for the palisade and carriage for the same.
Henry IV volume 4 pg 65
(Richard Tyrell)
Entry 117
Commission to John Fortescu, knight, John Markham,Thomas Tyrell, knight, Matthew Hay, esquire, and William Laken, setting forth the complaint of the abbot and convent of the monastery of St. Mary,Stratford Langthorn, co. Essex, that they have been long seised of certain lands in the parish of Estham, co. Essex, whereto a water called Hamthorowedyche is adjacent, and though a foot way for the passage of men from London to Berkyngby a wooden bridge,which they caused to be built, has been long used, James Hacche of Berkyng,co. Essex,’ yoman,’ and others, imagining to make thereof a way for horses,carts and carriages, broke the bridge bynight and threw into the water the timber thereof and the stones whereby both ends of the bridge were supported, so that the water, obstructed and hindered from its right course, has flooded the lands and marsh of the abbot and convent, who have lost the profit thereof for a great while ; and appointing them to make inquisition in the county touchingthe evildoers guilty herein with James.
Henry VI volume 5 pg 136
(Thomas Tyrell)
4 Economic Activity
Entry 16
Commission to John de Cobeham,Thomas de Lodelow Aedam de Bury, Simonde Burghand Edmuud de Tettesworth to make inquisition touching the names of all those in the county of Kent who have presumed to embrace, forstal or buy wheat, malt or other grain whereby the dearth of com in those parts is daily growing, and to arrest all those who have embraced or forstalled any grain in granges or heaps before it was brought to fairs or markets and exposed there for sale, after the proclamation lately made at the king’s command by the sheriff of Kent. The like to the following: Thomas Tyrell, William de Mulso, Henry Snayth, John Wroth and John de Henxteworthin, the counties of Essex and Hertford. Emeryde Shirland, Nicholas Styuecle and John de Ellerton, in the counties of Cambridgeand Huntingdon. John de Aylesbury,William de Mulso,William de Risceby, Adam de Hertyngdon and Walter Walsh, in the counties of Bedford and Buckingham. Thomasde Fulnetby, William Engil, mayor of. Lincoln, William Brayand Walter de Kelby, in the county of Lincoln.
Edward III volume 14 pg 474-475
(Oct 10) (Thomas Tyrell) ( Essex)
Entry 20
Commission to Stephen de Valence, William Pympe, sheriff of Kent, William de Apuldrefeld, Robert de Notyngham and John Colepepre to buy500 quarters of wheat in the said county for the king’s money to be promptly paid by them, hire threshers and winnowers for the same, bring the wheat to the nearest possible sea place and take carriage for the same, so that the wheat be there by the first Sundayin Lent at latest for delivery by indenture to those the king shall depute to receive it, to be by them taken thence to Calaisfor the munition of that town and of the other towns,castles and fortresses there, and arrest and commit to prison until further order all who are contrariant in the matter. ByK. & C. The like to the followiningthe counties named: John Waleys, William Neudegate, sheriff of Sussex, Eoger Dalyngrug, John Leg, John de Clyfton and Thomas de Grymesby 500 quarters in the county of Sussex. Edmund de Thorp, sheriff of Norfolk and Suffolk, Eichard Holbech, John de Bernay, John de Wesenham, William Eedenesse and John Haukyn; 1,000 quarters of wheat and 2,000 quarters of malt in the counties of Norfolk and Suffolk. Thomas Bassyngbourn, sheriff of Essex, Thomas Tyrell, Eoger Keterich, Thomas Wetewang and Adam de Chestrefeld; 500 quarters of wheat in the county of Essex. Nicholas de Styuecle, sheriff of Cambridge and Huntingdon, Thomas de Swafham, Edmund de Tettesworth, Thomas Hunte, John de Olneye and Thomas Faknam, king’s serjeant-at-arms; 1,000 quarters of wheat and 1,000 quarters of malt in the counties of Cambridge and Huntingdon. By bill of the treasurer.
Edward III volume 15 pg 98-99
(1371 Feb 2) (Thomas Tyrell) (Essex)
Entry 86
Licence for Thomas Tyrell, esquire, who has given bond in 40 marks not to carry the corn in question elsewhither, to buy140 quarters of wheat, barleyand malt in the counties of Norfolk and Suil’olk and to carry them byland or water to Essex to be spent in his household.
Henry VI volume 3 pg 348
(Thomas Tyrell)
Entry 88
Commission, at the supplication of Humphrey, duke of Gloucestetor to John Tyrell, Thomas Remes and John Aleynson to take carpenters, masons, labourers and other workmen for repairing the duke’s manor or inn of Grenewiche and the enclosure of the park of Grenewichaned, put them to the work; and to provide horses,carts, timber, lead, iron, stone, lime,nails, palings, piles and other necessaries.
Henry VI volume 3 pg 264
(John Tyrell)
Entry 90
Commission to Richard Walleree, squire, Richard Wydevylee, squire, John Bamburgh, Thomas Broun and Richard Veer, to make inquisition in the county of Kent as to goods said to have been sent abroad from thence uncustomed. The like to Henry Bourghchier knight, John Doreward, Edward Tyrell, Westminster. Thomas Rolf,Thomas The like to Henry Bourghchier, John Doreward, Robert Darcy, Edward Tyrell, Thomas Rolf, Thomas Broune,Thomas Stokdale,Geoffrey Rokell and the sheriff of Essex.
Henry VI volume 3 pg 146
(Edward Tyrell)
Entry 97
Whereas the town of Herwich, co. Essex, was spoiled of late suddenly and by night by the king’s enemies of France and Normandy for lack of enclosure and walls, and the king’s lieges of the town, though impoverished propose to enclose the town with stones and lime for the exclusion of the king’s enemies and have begun the part of the town nearer the sea and have made petition for the king’s aid :— the king has granted licence for William Hervy,Thomas Prudman, Henry Brooke and Richard Felawe, their deputies, attorneys or factors, to ship 2,000 woollen cloths of assize or grain in the port of Ipswich to foreign parts by indentures to be made between them and the customers in that port, without payment of customs and subsidies, and to apply such money from the customs for the walling of the town by the survey of John, earl of Oxford, and Thomas Tyrell, knight to whom alone they shall render account.
Henry Vi volume 5 pg 528-529
(Thomas Tyrell)
5. Welfare
Entry 5
Commission to the abbot of Meaux, Richard de Ravenser, provost of Beverley, Thomas Tyrell, William de Estfeld and Thomas de Wythornwyk, to make a visitation of the king’s hospital of Neuton in Holdernesse, the patronage of which the king has granted to his daughter Isabel for life; as the king is informed that the hospital is in a greatly decayed state through the negligence of the masters and wardens thereof.
Edward III volume 12 pg 540
(May 6) (Thomas Tyrell) (Neuton in Holdernesse)
Entry 39
May 27. Pardon to Katharine late the wife of Hugh Tyrell, knight, late a widow in the king’s custody (vidue nostre), for her trespass in marrying Bernard Brocas, knight, without permission.
Richard II volume 2 pg 131
(Hugh and Katherine Tyrell)
Entry 56
Licence for 50l .paid in the hanaper, for Robert Neuport John Tyrell, Ralph Chaumberley Jonhn Broke, parson of the church of Polstede, John Mary, parson of the church of Stanford in le Hope,William Sautre,William Pecok,vicar of the church of Bryghtlyngesey Johen, son of John de Boys, Thomas Martell, Richard Byrlee and John Sweyn, chaplain, to found a chantry of two chaplains to celebrate divine service in the chapel of St. John the Baptist in the parish church of Wyvenhoo for the souls of RichardWalton, esquire, and Isabel his wife, and to grant in mortmain to the chaplains a messuage, 240 acres of land,12 acres of meadow, 26 acres of pasture, 4 acres of wood and 2Ss. Sd. rent in Wyvenhoo, StapelfordAbbot’s, Navestoke and Lamburn, not held of the king]
Henry V volume 1pg 151
(John Tyrell)
Entry 63
Appointment of John Tyrell, to be steward of the honour and lordship of Clare and That ksede in, the king’s hands by reason of the death of Thomas duke of Exeter, and of the minority of Richard duke of York, kinsman and heir of Edimund late earl of March, from the date ol the death of the said duke until the full age of the said Richard, with the usual fees and wages. Bybill of the treasurer.
Henry VI volume 1 pg 401
(John Tyrell) (Governance)
Entry 64
Feb. 13. Appointment during pleasure, of John Tyrell to be steward of the honour and lordship of Clare and Thakstede, in the king’s hands by the death of Thomas duke of Exeter, and by reason of the minority of Richard duke of York, kinsman and heir of Edmund earl of March, to date from the death of the said duke of Exeter. By bill of the treasurer.
Henry Vi Volume 1 pg 395
(John Tyrell)
Entry 94
Licence for William Babyngton, knight, Robert Darcy, esquire, Edward Tyrell, esquire, and Richard Valdryan, clerk, to found a perpetual chantry of one chaplain to celebrate divine service in the chapel of St. Mary the Virgin in the church of Danburyco,. Essex,for the good estate of the king and tin- said foundersan,d for their souls after death,and for the souls of Gerard Braybi’okkn, ighta,nd of his ancestors, and of the said founders ; and grant that the chaplain and his successors be called chaplains of the chantryof St. Mary the Virgin of Danbury, and that theyhave a perpetual succession and be capable of pleading and of beingimpleadedin any court; licenceal so for the chaplain to acquire in mortmain of the founders, their heirs or assigns, and of others, lands and rents to the value of 10 marks yearly not held in chief. Byp.s. Be it rememebred that on the 4 November 26th year Richard Valdryan, chaplain of the chantry, acquired lands to the ssame value in full satisfaction.
Henry VI volume 4 pg 112
(Edward Tyrell)
Entry 98
Grant to the king’s knight, Thomas Tyrell, his heirs and assigns, of the patronage or advowson of the parish church of East Thorndon, co. Essex, and licence for him and William Tyrell the younger, his brother, John Poynes, esquires, and Robert Hotofte to grant in mortmain to Walter Martyn, rector of the church, lands and rents to the value of 10Z.a year, not held in chief, to celebrate certain divine services and other charges and works of piety. ByK. etc.
Henry VI volume 5 pg 529
(Thomas Tyrell)
Entry 118
Commission to Thomas Tyrell, knight, to make inquisition in the view of Wytham, co. Essex, touching the value of the lands in the towns of Rewenhale and Wytham. co. Essex, late of Bartholomew Page of Elyngham,co. Norfolk, deceased, and of the issues thereof from the death of Robert, his son and heir, till 10 August last
Henry VI volume 5 pg 39
Thomas Tyrell
Record Keeping and Land Transactions
Entry 1
Impeximw and confirmation of a charter of Queen Philippa, witnessed, by Andrew Aubrey, then mayor of London, Sir John de Grey, knight, then steward of the king’s household, John Wroth, then sheriff of London, Edmund Plambard, Thomas Tyrell, Robert William, Eoger Belet and many others, and dated at Havering atte Bower, on 9 April, 26 Edward III, granting to her damsel Lucy de Geynesburgh and her heirs and assigns, all the land in Lambourn, Theydene Boys and Chigewell as well as in Fifhide and Eothyng Beauchamp, co. Essex, which the queen lately had of the gift and feoffment of Sir Eobert de Hagham, knight; granting also to her 20 marks Sd. of rent in London, to hold for the life of the said Sir Eobert, to wit 10 marks out of a tenement in the parish of St. Mary le Bow, London, which he and Idonia, his wife, now deceased, leased to one John de Abyngdon, for their lives, by an indenture which the queen has delivered to the said Lucy, 5 marks Sd. out of tenements contained in an indenture made between Edward le Blount of the one part and the said Eobert and Idonia of the other part, likewise delivered to Lucy, and 5 marks of rent out of a tenement lately leased by Eobert and Idonia to one John de Grantham by an indenture, likewise delivered to her: and granting to her also for the life of the same Eobert all that rent of 62.14s. contained in a writing of William de la More, ‘chivaler,’ to the same Eobert and Idonia, likewise delivered to the said Lucy. By p.s.
pg 26 EDWARD III.—PABT II* 319
(Aug 28) (Thomas Tyrell)
Entry 4
Commission to Thomas Tyrell, Edmund de Chelreye, Walter de Haywode and John de Estbury, to make inquisition in the county of Southampton touching a claim by the bondmen of the manor of Stratfeld Say, the wardship whereof the king, by letters patent, lately granted to his daughter Isabel, that by colour of an indenture made between Thomas de Say, sometime lord of the manor, and them, which indenture is void in law and of none effect because it was never delivered to them in the lifetime of the said Thomas but was sold to them long after his death by Robert de Sancto Manifeo, they are free, on which account they refuse to do the bond services which they used to do of ancient time.
Edward III volume 12 pg 540
(May 1) (Thomas Tyrell) (Commission of Inquisition) ( County of Southhampton)
Entry 8
Licence for Thomas son and heir of Henry Peverel to enfeoff Thomas Sheen. Tyrell, chivaler,’ of the manors of Northavene and Suthavene, Manesbrigge, Lyndhurst and Penyton, co. Southampton, and Bereford, co. Wilts, said to be held in chief. By p.s,
Edward III volume 12 pg 472
(Feb 12) (Thomas Tyrell) (Northhavene Suthavene, Manesbrigge Lyndhurst and Penyton, in Southampton and Bereford countys)
Entry 9
Commission to Thomas Tyrell, William Ryse, John Faucomberge, and Thomas de Wythornwyke to make inquisition within the liberty of Holdernesse touching any information that very many wards, marriages and escheats which pertained to the king by reason of his lordship of Brustewyk before he granted that lordship to his daughter Isabel and ought to pertain to her after the grant have been concealed and withdrawn from them.
Edward III volume 12 pg 444
(1363) (July 16) (Thomas Tyrell)(Holdernesse) (Commission of Inquisition)
Entry 12
Grant, for life, to Walter Tyrell, for good service to the king and to Joan and Margaret, deceased, the king’s daughters, of the keeping of the passage over the water of Twede at Berwick on Twede, to hold with all profits, as Richard de la Panetrie, deceased, held, without rendering anything to the king. By p.s.
Edward III volume 13 pg 384
(Feb 15) (Walter Tyrell) (Held Passage over the water at Berwick on the Twede)
Entry 24
Commission to Thomas Tyrell, William atte Broke and John ate Welde to find by inquisition in the county of Essex whether John Bataill and John Dargentem,tenants of certain lands in Chishull, co. Essex, held of Kdimmd de Ufford,’ le cosyn/ or any other tenant of the said Edmund, have attorned to Thomas Savage and others to whom Edmund alienated the lands in fee in his lifetime together with the fees and advowsons, or not, and who have made such attornmeiits and to whom ; as the said lands are held of the king as of the honour of Boulogne
Edward III volume 16 pg 159
(Aug 3) (Thomas Tyrell)
Entry 25
Inspeximus and confirmation, in favour of Henry Dounhame squire of westminster. Isabella daughter of Edward III., of letters patent (in French) at her request, of Alexander archbishop of York, William bishop of London Ralph, bishop of Salisbury, Guy de Brien Roger de Beauchamp, Hugh de Segrave and Thomas Tyrell, nights,(feoffees, by ordinance of the said king and his council, of lands to her use,) dated London, 8 April,2 Richard II., confirming to him the custody of the park of Swalfeld at a rent of 4 marks yearly, sold to him for the term of the said Isabella’s life by John Fourbour, to whom it was granted by the late king, who subsequently granted Swalfeld manor with the said park to the said Isabella, who confirmed the said custody of the park to the said John; and enlargement into a grant thereof to the said Henry for his life, if he survive her. Byp.s. and fine of £mark.
Richard II volume I pg 601
(Jan 23) (Thomas Tyrell)
Entry 31
Westminster, March 20. Inspeximus and confirmation, in favour of Robert Makkeny, yeoman of the poultry and chief buyer of victuals of the late king, retained, of letters patent dated i March,50 Edward III., being a grant to him for life of 10Z. yearly at the Exchequer. By the Great Council. The like in favour of John Goldewell, of letters patent dated 7 June, 51 Edward III., being a like grant to him of 100s. yearly at the Exchequer. By the Great Council. The like in favour of William Percell, esquire of the late king, of letters patent dated 27 April,51 Edward III., being a grant to him for life of the 10l. 6s. 3d. which the abbot and convent of Halesowoyn co,. Salop, Pay yearly at fee-farm for the manor of Rouleye, co. Stafford. J>ythe Great Council. The like in favour of Walter Tyrell, of letters patent dated 28 June, 35 Edward III., being a like grant to him of 10/. yearly at the Exchequer. Bythe Great Council.
Richard II volume 1 page 177
(Walter Tyrell)
Entry 37
Grant to Alice, late the wife of Peter de Preston, executrix of his willl, of the custody (together with the marriage) of the land and heir, during his minority, and until she obtain the marriage of such heir, of John Talbot of Richard’s Castle, tenant in chief, without rendering aught to the king therefor, as granted by the late king to his daughter Isabella by letters patent 23 May, 40 Edward III. ; the then heir having died unmarried and the custody (together with the marriage) of two thirds of the said John’s lands in the counties of Worcester, Hereford and Salopand in Wales and the Welsh March (excepting [knights’] fees, advowsons, wardships and marriages) having been granted by indenture dated 1 October, 49 Edward III.., by Thomas Tyrell, chief steward and general attorney of Ingelrun husband of the said Isabella, to the said peter at a specified rent.
Richard II volume 2 pg 190
(Thomas Tyrell)
Entry 38
Westminster Oct. 12. The like, in favour of John Parker, of a yearly rent of 10 marks from The manor of Cosham, co. Wilts, granted to him for the same term by Alexander archbishop ot York, William, late bishop of London, Ralph, bishop of Salisbury, and Guy de Briene and Hugh de Segrave, knights, to whom with Roger Beaucfmmandp Thomas Tyrell, knights, deceased, the king granted the said manor inter alia for the life of his aunt Isabella, now deceased, by letters patent 27 November1, Richard II. Mandate in pursuance to the keeper of the manor.
Richard II volume 2 pg 190
(Thomas Tyrell) Deceased?
Entry 40
March 22. Licence for Alexander, archbishop of York, William, late bishop of London, and Ralph, bishop of Salisbury, and Guy de Payne and Hugh de Segrave, Knights to, grant to Isabella de Feye, Frenchwoman and damsel of the king’s aunt Isabella, countess of Bedford, their interest in the manor of Benham, co, Berks, and two messuages, two carucates of land, forty acres of meadow and twenty of wood in Holbenham and Westbroke, in the same county, lately granted inter alia to them and Roger de Beauchamp and Thomas Tyrell, knights, now deceased for the life of the said countess of Bedeford and, grant to the former of the same for life, without rent, if she outlive the said countess and reside in England. By p.s.
Vacated by surrender and cancelled because fin king granted the same for life to the said Richard (sic) and Isabella 18 June, 15 Richard II.
Richard II volume 2 pg 105
(Thomas Tyrell)
Entry 41
Westminster, Licence, with the assent of Council, and for the increase of the clergy, of England, for the alienation in mortmain by William de Wikeham, bishop of Winchester, to the warden and scholars of • Seinte Marie College of Wynchestre,’ lately founded by him in Oxford, of the manor of Heyford Waryn, co. Oxford, and the advowson of its church, held in chief as of the honor of Walyngford ; the manor of West wittenham called * La Douncourt,’ co. Berks, formerly John Mautravers’, held in chief as of the fees of the honor of the former earl marshal or of the manor of Hampste de Mareschall, which was taken into the king’s hands by forfeiture of lugelram do Coney, late earl of Bedford, who married the king’s aunt Isabella, and which was granted by the king, for her life, to William, archbishop of Canterbury, Alexander, bishop of York, Ralph, bishop of Salisbury, and (inydo Brieue, Roger de Beauchamp, Huirh de Segrayo and Thomas Tyrell, knights; the, manor of Drayton by Abyndon, late Gilbert Eiesfeld’s, held of the king as earl of Chester; the manor of Great Wittenham co,. Berks, formerly John Plccy’s, held in chief; three messuages, 100 acres of wood and in Stnnlake, co. Oxford, with a fourth part of the manor and a moiety of the advowson of its church, held in chief as of the honor of the earl de Tlsle and Albemarlo; the manor of West wittenham, co. Berks, formerly John Lok’s, tin* manor of West wittenham (.v/r) in the same county, formerly, lobn Louehes’ of Uarsyudou ; the manor of Kengham, co. Oxford, formerly (Jilbert Chastelleyn’s,seventeen messuages, two tofts, seven carncates of land, 121 acres of meadow, and 7<tof pasture, pasture for twenty cows and KHV. rent in Keyngh;un, Brideeote, West Wiiloiihani, Stanlake, Briulithaiupton, Hrnnesnorton, Bnidewell, Aston, Drayton and Sutton, and an acre of land. oO.v. rent and the advowson of the church in Swalclyve, co. Oxford, not held iu chief; and in reversion, the manor of Aston, co. Berks, not held in chief, after the death of Robert alto Wodeand Joan his wife, the manor of Clifton and three messuages, a carncate of laud and eight acres of meadow in Clifton, not held in chief, after the death of llobert Mauudcvilland Cicely bis wife, and two messuages, forty acres of land and four of meadow in est wittenham, not held in chief, alter the death of John Stokker and Alice his wife; and further, licence for the alienation in frank almoin by him to the abbot and convent of Hide by Winchester of the manor of Combe Biset, late of John Plescy, held in chief, in exchange for the advowsons of the churches of Colynghuru Abbots, IVueseve and ChisulclenCO, . Wilts, which he has licence to grant to the said warden and scholars. Byp.s. [1J)«”>1}!.
Richard II volume 2 pg 63
(Thomas Tyrell)
Entry 44
Westminster June 9. Ratification of the estate of William Bragan as vicar of St. Peter’s. Droghdian, Ireland. June 11. Revocationof the preceding, becausea plea touching the said vicarage, is pending before John Tyrell, justice of the Common Bench in Ireland.
Richard II volume 4 pg 44
(John Tyrell) ( Ireland)
Entry 47
Presentation to R. bishop of Chichester, of John Birston, vicar of Eltham in the diocese of Rochester, for admission to the church of St. Giles, Wynchelseon, an exchange with William Tyrell.
Richard II volume 6 pg 488
(William Tyrell)
Entry 48
Inspeximus and confirmation of an indenture dated 20 December in the twentieth year, between William de Sancto Vedastopr,ior of Okebourne, farmer under the king of all the possessions of the priory, and proctor general of the abbot and convent of Bee Horlewin, of the Benedictine order, in the diocese of Ronen, of the one part, and Robert Braybrok, Bishop of London,of the other part, whereby the said prior grants to the said Robert and his assigns, for GO years from Christmas of that year the manor and advowson of Pounton Weylate, a yearly pension of 4 marks issuing out of the church, payable by the parsons or rectors, and the whole portion of tithes within the bounds of Wodeham Ferers, together with all other lands and tenements in those towns in Essex, lately held for life by Alice, late the wife of Thomas Tyrell; at the yearly rent of a rose to the said abbot or his proctor general, and doing the usual services to the chief lords of the fee,and notwithstanding that the premises are parcel of the said priory or were in the hands of John Pikeman to hold for life. By p.s. For 40s. paid in the hanaper.
Richard II volume 6 pg 401
(Alice and Thomas Tyrell)
Entry 50
Grant to William Tyrell of the prebend which Andrew Neuport, deceased, lately had in the king’s free chapel within the palace of Westminster. ByK.
Henry IV volume 3 pg 300
(William Tyrell)
Entry 51
Presentation of William Tyrell, parson of the church of Wodchcrch. In the diocese of Canterbury, to the church of St. Thomas the Martyr. Wynchclsion, the diocese of Chichesteorn, an exchange of benefices with Hugh Setour.
Henry IV volume 3 pg 165
(William Tyrell)
Entry 54
Licence, for 20 marks paid in the hanaper for Thomas Pever of county of Bedford, esquire, to release to John Risseby, John Me] sale, John Hertishorn, Ralph Gerveys, clerk, and John Stanford right in two parts of the manor of Caynho, co. Bedford, held of King in chief, and the third part of the manor which William Pai and Juliana his wife hold in dower ; for Alice Dakeney kinswomen and heiress of Walter Dakeney, John Broun, chaplain, and the John Risseby and others to enfeoff Salamon Fresthorpe, He Harburgh, John Martyn and Richard Tyrell of Rouceby : for tr to grant two parts of the manor and the reversion of the third on the death of Juliana to Alice for life ; for the same Henry, Martyn and Richard to release to Salamon and his heirs all righl the manor ; and for him to grant the remainders of the said two p? and third part to Reginald de Grey,lord of Ruthyn,and his h< under the condition of paying to Salamon, his executors and assigns in the church of St. Nicholas, Colde Abbey, in Oldefysshestrete, don, Michaelmas next or within fortydays and 220?. Michaelmas following or within fortydays,so that if the paymi be not made or if the manor of Hollewelgrey co,. Hertford, or parcel thereof be afterwards recovered against Salamon, his heirs assigns or they be expelled from the same by any title originat; before the present date the grant of the reversions to Reginald Salamon shall be null and void and Salamon and his heirs may enter on the two parts after the death of Alice and the third part after deaths of Juliana and Alice.
Henry V volume 1 pg 304
(Richard Tyrell) (Rouceby)
Entry 57
Westminster , Grant to William Jakis, clerk of the king’s kinsman R. archbishop of Canterbury, of the canonry with a prebend in the king’s freechapel of Westminster vacant by the death of William Tyrell. By p.a Mandate in pursuance to the dean and chapter.
By the same writ
Henry V volume 1 pg 16
(William Tyrell)
Entry 58
Revocation of letters patent dated 10 May last granting to Owin Martyn the office of gaoler of the gaol of Notyngham. Henry IV by letters patent dated 16 July,6 Henry IV, granted the office to John Slifhurst for life ; and afterwards at the suit of the latter, complaining that he had obtained possession and continue it until he was removed By the said Owin by colour of the said letters patent, the king directed the sheriff to summon Owin to appear before him in Chancery at a certain day now past to show cause why the letters should not be revoked, and the sheriff returned that he summoned him by John Padley, Thomas Eston, John Bower and Richard Hunt, and Owin appeared by Richard Colman his attorney and John Slifhurst by Richard Selby his attorney and Owin asserted that he had the office of the king’s grant and on that account ought not to answer without the king and sought aid from the king, which was granted, and John was told to sue the king for licence to proceed in the suit and afterwards on the morrow of the Purification he appeared by his said attorney and produced a writ of privy seal dated 3 February in the present year directed to the bishop of Durham, the chancellor, to proceed in the suit, so that judgement be not given without consulting the king, and Owin did not appear and John was told to sue the king for licence to proceed to judgement and subsequently on another day in the same term by his said attorney he produced another writ of privy seal directed to the chancellor to proceed to judgement, and Owin did not appear and judgement was given against him. Commission by mainprise of John Tyrell of the county of Essex and Roger Hunt of the county of Bedford and for 400 marks paid in hand at the receipt of the Exchequer by the king’s knight John Tiptoft, to the same John Tiptoft of the keeping of all lordships, manors and lands in the king’s hands by the death of Thomas de la Pole,* chivaler/ and by reason of the minority of Thomas his son and heir, except the manor of Mersshco,. Buckingham the keeping of which the king committed to John Iwardby by letters patent from Michael maslast during the minority of the said heir for III. yearly, and two parts of the manor of Norton under Hamedon, co. Somerset, the keeping of which the king committed to Richard Skelton by other letters patent from Michaelmalast, Henry V, during the minority of the said heir for 111. 17s. 6f<2.yearly, to hold with the said farms from Christmas last during the minority of the said heir with his marriage without disparagement, maintaining the houses, enclosures and buildings and supporting all charges. By bill of the treasurer.
Henry V volume 2 pg 412 – 413
(John Tyrell) ( Essex)
Entry 62
Oct. 30. John Hertwell, citizen and mercer of London, on 16 May, 3 Henry VI before Nicholas Wotton, then mayor of the staple of Westminster for acknowledgments of debts, acknowledged himself to owe to John Pidmyll, citizen and mercer of London, 100Z. payable on 10 May then following. The day not being kept,a messuage called ‘ le Maudeleyn,’ with a garden and an orchard in Northberkhampsted within the liberty of the honour of Berkhampsted, a dovecot there, 80 acres of arable land’,divers fields of arable land,viz. — two fields called * Denefeldes,’ and fields called, respectively, * Hylfelde,’ ‘ Mad’amfeld,’ ‘ Milfeld,’ Eldefeld and ‘ Pristcroft,’ a croft called * Merlyng,’ certain pasture called ‘ Kyngeshill,’ two meadows called ‘ Chapelcroftes three acres of meadow at Lollesley 30, acres of wood and underwood and six vivaries there,and a rent of 9«. 2d. from certain; free tenants and tenants at will, stated to constitute the manor of Maudelyn, which belonged to the said John Hertwell, on the dayof the said acknowledgment, but had been seised into the king’s hands by pretext of a certain extent on the 13th of July last, were delivered to the said John Pidmyll, according to the ordinance. How ever it:, was found by inquisition taken ex officio before Edward Tyrell, eschieiator in the county of Hertford, on Tuesday before St. Margaret last, and returned before the treasurer and barons of the exchequer, that one William Strete, being seised of the manor of Maudelyinn, the said county, held in chief, in his demesne as of fee bythe service of l-20th of a knight’s fee,eranted it to Humphrey, duke of Gloucester, Walter Hungerford, knight, John Escudemore, knight,Andrew SperlyngT,homas Knollys, John Bacon, Thomas Basset,and! to the heirs and assigns of the five last named!. The said grantees entered without licence, thie manor was taken into the king’s hands,and! the said John Pidmyll put out. Now the king,for 20s. paid in the hanaper, has pardoned the above-named trespass,and licencesthe said John Pidmyll to have again and to hold the premises in fee simple as Ms freeholda,ccording to theform of the aforesaid ordinance and execution
Henry VI volume 1 Pg 445
(Edward Tyrell) (Escheator)
Entry 69
Licence, by advice of the council and without fine, for Richard, duke of York, Walter Lucy, ‘ehivaler,’ and Richard Wyggemore to enfeoff William Alnewyk, bishop of Norwich, Richard, earl of Warwick, Walter Hungreford, knight, John Beaumond, knight, John Tyrell, knight, Ralph Boteler, knight, John Merbury, esquire, Richard Dixton, esquire, and William Wolston, esquire, of the castles and lordships of Raydre, Kenlles, Radenore and Knoklas, the town of Radenore, the lordships of Melenyth, Pullyth, Knyghton, Worthreignon, Comotoidore, Norton and Prestheinde, in Wales and its marches; the manors of (Meton, Kyngeslane, Pembrugge, Malmeshullacy, Nethewode, Mawardyn, Worforlowe, two thirds of the manor of Much Marcle, co. Hereford; the castle, manor and town of Ludelowe, the manors and lordship of Stauntoun Lacy, Cletton and Farlowe,co. Salop; the manors of Brymesgrove and Norton, co. Worcester; Whaddon and Stepulclaydon, co. Buckingham; Stratfeld Mortemer and Waghfeld, co. Berks; two thirds of the manor of Thaxestede, co. Essex; the manors of Worthy Mortemer, co. Southampton ; Swannescombe and Erhithe, co. Kent; Cranburum, Pympern, Tarent, Gundevile, Weymouth, Wyke, Portland,Warham, Stuple and Crich, co. Dorset; the castle of Bruggewater and the manors of Odycombe and Milvertocno., Somerset; the manors of Charleton, Wynston and Brymmesfeld co. ,Gloucester; and one third of the lordship of Bruggewater, co. Somerset; all which are held of the king in chief. By p.s.
Henry VI volume 2 pg 514-515
(John Tyrell)
Entry 71
Licence, by advice of the council, for John de Veer, earl of Oxford Canterbury, enfeoff John Tyrell, knight, John Doreward, esquire, Edward Tyrell esquire, Robert Darcy, esquire, John Symond, apprentice of the late William Bolton and John Wayte of the manors of Hengham at Castle,Overyeldham, Kensyngton, Great Bentelegh, Earl’s Co. Stanstede Mounfychet, Caumpes, Saxton and Great Hormede in counties of Essex, Hertford, Cambridge, Middlesex and Buckingham held of the king in chief, and for the feoffees to enfeoff the earl of _____ to hold to him and his heirs.
Henry VI volume 2 pg 602
(Edward Tyrell)
Entry 72
Inspeximus of a writing of John Curteysthe, abbot, and the convent of St. Mary’s, Tilteye, co. Essex, dated in the chapter houseat Tilteye, January, 8 HenryVI, being a grant for twenty-five years from Michaelmas then following to,Sir Thomas Banastre, clerk, arch deacon of Bangor, and Robert Banastree, squire, lord of Chikeneye, of, a yearly rent of 20/. Out of the manors or granges of Stepul alias Stepul grange, aytrop Rothinge alias Rothinge Grange and Cressale Grange, co. Essex, and Ryngmere alias Ryngmere Grange co,. Suffolk, quarterly; with a clause of distraint should payment be fifteendays in arrear and a penalty of 10 marks if in arrear for a month. The grantees have been put in possession of the rent by the payment of 12d. Witnesses, John Tyrelle, Lewis Johan, Robert Hunte, John Symondand Thomas Langeley
Henry VI volume 2 pg 512
(John Tyrell)
Entry 74
It has been found by inquisition taken beforeThomas Stokdale, escheator in the county of Essex, that Richard Baynard held on the day of his death conjointly with. Grace his wife, who survives him, the manor of Messyng which is held of the king as of the honour of Reymes by knight service, fr demise made to them forlife by Robert Warener of London and RogerRy< of the county of Kent, with remainder to John Martyn of the county p. Kent,one of the justices of the Common Bench,William Coggeshale knight, Maurice Bruyn, knight, Lewis John, esquire, John Tyrell, Robert Darcy of Maldon,William Rookwode of Acton, John Burgoyne Drayton, Thomas Campes, W,alter Gawtron of London, John Bederendei of the same, Thomas Martelle, squire, Richard Wakefeled, squire, Roben Wrytele, John Symond of Toppisfeld, Richard Fitz Nichol of Halstede, John Becheof Colchestre, John Ewell, esquire, Roger Racheham, esquire. John Marlere and Henry Stampe the younger, their heirs and assigns The king’s licence had not been obtained and the manor was taken into his hands,but now for 5 marks paid in the hanaper he has pardoned the trespass and granted licence for the said Grace to have the manor again for life,with remainder as aforesaid.
Henry VI volume 2 pg 368
(John Tyrell)
Entry 75
Commission de kidellis pursuant to the statute of 25 Edward [stat. 3,c. 4],and subsequent statutes for the water called ‘le Leye* the counties of Essex, Hertford and Middlesex, from the bridge of Wa to the water of Thames to, John Tyrell, knight, Henry Barton, Jot Gedney,William Estfeld, John Fray, Thomas Rolf, Henry Some Thomas Gloucestre, Alexander Aune, Walter Grene, William Rokesburg and John Kirkeby, and to two or more of them, including either Fra; Rolf, Aune, Rokesburghor Kirkeby.
Henry VI volume 2 pg 356
(John Tyrell)
Entry 77
Commission de kidellis, pursuant to statute 25 Edward III [stat. 3, c. 4] and subsequent statutes, for the water called *’le Leye’ in the counties of Essex, Hertford and Middlesex, from the bridge of Ware to the water of Thames, to John Tyrell knight, Henry Barton, John Gydney, William Estfeld, John Fray, Thomas Rolf, Thomas Gloucestre, Thomas Stokdale, Walter Grene, Alexander, Aune, William Rokesburgh, William Kirkeby, and Richard Aired, and to two or more of them, including either Fray, Rolf, Aune or Kirkeby.
Henry Vi volume 2 pg 350
(John Tyrell)
Entry 79
June 5. By inquisition taken before John Barley, escheator in the county of Essex, it has been found that Walter lord Pitz Wautier, knight, deceased, was seised of the manor of WodehamWautierc,o. Essexi,n his demesne as of fee,and bythe name of Walterlord Pitz Wautier and of Wodeham, lord of Hardepuysand Bochettessonin Normandy, granted the same manor, except * Brian stenement,’ to Lewis Johan, Richard Baynard, John Tyrell, RobertDarcy, Richard Pox,William Neulondor Neuland, Robert Molynton, William Faukes well and Richard Duryvall and their heirs, and afterwards WilliamNeulond died, and Johan, Baynard, Darcy, Fox, Faukeswell and Duryvall released all their right in the premises, except Brians tenementle, Newshepton, Manfeld, Curleigmerssh, Pordecroft and Beryhall, in Wodehamand Ultyng,in fee simple to the said Tyrell and Molyntonw,ho granted the manor with the foregoing exceptions, except also ‘le Westfeld,le Panne,’ the aftermath of ‘le Holemede,’ and of *le Curleighmead,’ ‘ Heywardes, Stubbardes,’ and ‘ Bradmed,’ to the said Darcyand Pox and their heirs,who granted, subject to all the ore going exceptions, to the said Walter and Elizabeth his wife, still surviving, for life, without impeachment of waste [and to the heirs male of his body] with remainder to the heirs of his body, with remainder over to his right heirs. Alsohe was seised in his demesne as of fee of the manor of Lexedenwh,ich he granted, except ‘Praunceys tenement, to the said Lewis Johan, RichardBaynard, John Tyrell, Robert Darcy, Richard Pox, William Neulond, Robert Molynton, William Paukeswell and Richard Duryvall and their heirs; and after the death of Neulond, Baynard released to his co-feoffees all his rights saving his life interesting ‘ Praunceystenement,’ which he had bygrant of the said Walter. Then their remainingco-feoffees released to Tyrell and Molynton, who enfeoffed the said Walter and Elizabeth, and the heirs male of his body, with remainder to the heirs of his body, with remainder over to the said Darcy, Pox, Molynton and Paukeswelaln,d to John Dorewardand William Robbessonand their heirs. Also the same Walterwas seised of the manor of Burnhamand, granted it to the same nine original feoffees and, their heirs, who enfeoffed thereof Thomas Wenlok, and his heirs, .who enfeoffed of the same, except the courts, wards, marriages, reliefs, escheats, warren and mill thereto belonging, John Chedyokk, night, Maurice Berkeley, Henry Grey, Oliver Groos and Adam May and the said John Doreward, Robert Darcy and Richard Pox,and their heirs; after which Doreward, Darcy and Fox released to their said five co-feoffees,who granted the manor, except as beforeexcepted, to the said Walter and Elizabeth, with remainders to the heirs male of his body,and the heirs of his body, and remainder over to the said Darcy, Doreward, Fox, Molynton, Faukeswelland Bobbessonand their heirs. Alsothe same Walter, being seised of the manors of Henham and Little Dunmowein his demesneas of fee, enfeoffed thereof the said Lewis Johan,and his eight first named co-feoffees, and their heirs ; and after Neuland’s death, Duryvall released to Johan, Baynard,Tyrell, Darcy, Fox and Faukeswealnld, they released f; to Baynard and Molyntonand their heirs,who granted the premises,f;: except the tenement which once was of Richard Chirchegaatned, the tenements called ‘ Turnoures’ and ‘ Appultonnes,’ to the said John Chedyok, Maurice Berkeley, Henry Grey, John Doreward, Robert Darcy, Oliver Groos, Richard Fox and Adam, May, and their heirs. Then Doreward, Darcy and Fox released in fee simple all their right to their five co-feoffees, and they granted the premises, except « Staceysaleyn’ and ‘Hefdes,’ to the said Walter and Elizabeth with remainders to the heirs male of his body and the heirs of his body, and remainder over to Darcy, Doreward, Fox, Molynton, Faukeswell, Bobbesson and their heirs. Furthermore Philippa, III i; duchessof York,held in dower by endowment of Walter Fitz Wautier,knight late her husband the manors of Wymbysshand Sheryng,a Essex,with the advowsons of their churches, with reversion to Walter Fitz Wautier,knight,son and heir of her said late husband; and this ill i Walter Fitz Wautier, the son, by the name of Walter lord Fitz Wautier and of Wodeham granted the reversion of the premises to Alexander Walden, knight, William Bourchier, knight, Bobert Newport, Richard Baynard of Messyng, John Basset of Chishull, Alexander de la Garderobe and Simon Cisternec,lerk, and their heirs,to whom the said Philippa, by the name of Philippa, lady Fitz Wautierat, torned. Now this Walter, the son, had issue the said Walter, late lord Fitz Wautier, and died, and after his death the said Richard Baynard and Simon Cisterne, their co-grantees being dead, granted the reversion to the said Walter, late lord,and Elizabeth, with remainders to the heirs male of his body, and to the heir of his body, and remainder over to Darcy, Doreward, Fox, Molynton, Faukes well and Bobbesson and their heirs; and Philippa, by the name of Philippa, duchessof York, attorned to Walter and Elizabeth, and afterwards died,after whose death the same Walter and Elizabeth were seised. That the said manors of Wodeham Wautier, Burnham, Henham, Little Dunmow Weymbyssh and Sherynarge held of the king in chief, and the said manor of Lexeden is held in free burgageas all the town of Colchesteris. More over by an inquisition taken before Henry Gray, late escheator in the county of Norfolk it, was found that Bichard Sutton,knight, Richard de Upston, clerk, John Bataill and John Stowe,being seised in their demesne as of fee of the manors of Hemen hale and Dysse, together with the hundred of Dysse, co. Norfolk, and with knights’ fees, wards, marriages, reliefs, escheats and other appurtenances, except the advowson of Dysse, which manors and hundred are held in chief by knightservice as of the barony of Fitz Wautier,granted the premises, except as excepted, bylicenceof Bichard II, to the before named Walter Fitz Wautier,knight and Philippa his wife, and the heirs male of his body, with remainder over to his right heirs. He had issue Walter, as before mentioned, and died seised, and the said Walter, Msson, granted the reversion of the premises, after the death of Philippa, to the said Alexander Walden knight, William Bourchie, Brobert Newport, Richard Baynard, John Basset, Alexander de la Garderobe and Simon Cisterne in Membranes 12 and 11— cont. fee simple, to whom Philippa attorned. The said Walter son of Walter had issue the said Walter late lord Fitz Wautiears, aforesaid, and died, and after his death the said Baynard and Cisternet, heir co-grantees being dead, granted the said reversion, without the king’s licence to, the said Walter, rate lord, and Elizabeth for life, with remainders to the heirs male of his body, and the heirs of his body, and remainder over to the said Darcy, Doreward, Fox, Molynton, Faukes, well and Robbessonin fee simple. Philippa attorned to them, and after her death the said Walter and Elizabeth were seised.
Also by another inquisition taken before the said Henry Gray in the county of Suffolk it, was found that the same Philippa held in dower on the dayof her death by endowment of the said Walter Fitz Wautier her husband the manor of Shymplyantteg Thorne co, Suffolk, with reversion to the said Walter, son of her said husband, and his heirs. This Walter, the son, granted the reversion of the same manor and the advowson of its church to the said Alexander Walden, William Bourchier, Robert Neuport, John Basset, Alexander de la Garderobre, Richard Baynard and Simon Cisternean,d their heirs, to whom Philippa attorned. This Walter had issue Walter, the above-named late lord, and died, as aforesaid, and after his death, Baynard and Cisterne,as surviving feoffees as abovesaid, granted the reversion to the said Walter, late lord, and Elizabethf,or life,with successive remainders to the heirs male of his body,and the heirs of his body,and remainder over to the said Darcy, Doreward, Fox, Molynton, Faukes well and Robbesson in fee simple. Philippa attorned to Walter and Elizabeth, and died, and after her death they were seised. Now the manor of Shymplyng is held of the king in chief, and byvirtue of all these settlements Walter was seised conjointly with her and died so seised, but the king’s licence not having been obtained in these matters, the manors and advowson aforesaid were taken into his hands on the death of Walter. But now, for 1001.paid in the hanaper,the king has pardoned these trespasses and licences the said Elizabeth to have the premises again, except as before excepted, and to hold them for life as aforesaid.
Henry VI volume 2 pg 209-211
(John Tyrell)
Entry 92
Signification to Laurence Cheyne, William Alyngton the younger and William Cotton, that, whereas divers debates, controversies and discords arose between Edward Tyrell, son of Edward Tyrell, esquire, and others, feoffees to his use, and Thomas Tyrell, esquire, on the title to certain manors and lands late of Edmund Flambard in the county of Cambridge, entailed on Thomas byfine, which title has been put under the judgement of Humphrey, earl of Stafford, and becauseon behalf of Edward and his feoffees it is alleged that a feoffment thereof was made to divers persons by Eleanor daughter of the said Edmund, grandmother of the said Thomas, whereby the entry of Thonms therein was void, the king assigned the said commissioners by letters patent to enquire in the county whether the said feoffment was made and all things relating there to,— the said letters issued by sinister suggestion and are hereby revoked. The like to John Somerset, Henry Frowyk and Thomas Haseley, touching the title to lands late of Edmund Flambard in Middlesex as above
Henry VI volume 4 pg 296
(Edward and Thomas Tyrell)
Entry 116
Westminster. Commission to William Bourghchier, knight, Nicholas Ayssheton, William Bonevyle, knight, Philip Courtenay, knight, John Dynham, knight, John Arundell, Robert Burton, James Chuddelegh,Walter Raynell,Thomas Bodulgate, Thomas Bere,Thomas Gille and the sheriff of Devon to make inquisition in the county touching all wards, marriages, reliefs, escheats and forfeitures therein due and concealed from the king and touching all things concerning the same, and all alienations and purchases in mortmain without licence, escapes, concealments, sureties of the peace not observed, liveries of cloth given and received contrary to Statute and goods and merchandise shipped uncustomed and uncocketed. The like to the followining the following counties ; Thomas Tyrell, knight, John Doreward, John Basset, John Godmestoii, John Greiie, HenryAsteley, Ralph Grey, William Grey and the sheriff. Essex and Hertford
Henry VI volume 5 pg 138-139
Kings Finances, Taxes and Loans
Entry 45
Licence, for Ox. paid in the hanaper by Thomas Harbour of Leomynstre, who was born in Ireland, for him to remain for life in England, not withstanding the proclamation requiring all men born there to return, under penalty of forfeiting all they June, by the next feast of the Assumption. By The like for k20/. paid in the hanaper by Walter Seymour of Bristoll, merchant, born in 1reland. William Tyrell, chaplain, for 40s.
Richard II volume 5 pg 451- 452
(William Tyrell)
Entry 60
Commission to Simon Felbryggec, chivaler, John Pyllyngton,’ chivaler,’ Thomas Wodevill, ThomasWake, John LongvyU, Thomas Mulsoand John Catesby to treat among themselves about a loan to be paid to the king for the resistance of the malice of his enemies and the conservation of the rights and safe-keeping of the realm and to induce all other sufficient secular lieges of the king of the county of Northampton to pay the loan, any ecclesiastical persons who will provide the king with greater sums on the Purification next excepted, and to certify thereon to the treasurer of England or his deputy before 24 January next. It is ordained in the last Parliament that a third part of a tenth and a fifteenth fromlaymen payable at Martinmas, 1420-1,shall be assigned for the payment of this loan and the chancellor shall make letters patent, writs and other warrants necessary for the payment without charge. [Foede William Coggeshale, ‘ chivaler/ Lewis John, John Tyrell, Richard Baynard, Robert Teye, Reginald Malyns, William Loveney and Robert Darcy, in the county of Essex.
Henry V volume 2 pg 249 -250
(John Tyrell) ( Essex)
Entry 61
Arthur Ormesby alias Ormesbi alias Ormysby of the county of Lincoln, esquire, for not appearing before William Thirnyng and his fellows, justices of the Bench of Henry IV, to answer William Tyrell, citizen and ‘ taillour,’ of London, touching debts of 40s. and 10 marks, John Croucher, citizen and vintner of London, touching a debt of 19?.,John de Yerburgh touching a debt of 40s.,John Edmond, citizen and goldsmith of London. Touching a debt of 10?.,James Overton, citizen and draper of London, touching a debt of 10?. and Thomas Multon, citizen and tailor of London, touching a debt of 106s. Sd.
Middlesex. London.
Henry V volume 2 pg 224
(William Tyrell) (Justice of the bench)
Stephen Kendale of Cornwall for not appearing before William Thirnyng and his fellows, justices of the Bench of Henry IV, to answer William Tyrell,’ taillour’ touching a debt of 40s. and William Savage touching a trespass committed by him and others. London. Middlesex.
Henry V volume 2 pg 95
(William Tyrell) (Taillour)
Entry 65
1424. Westminster Dec. 18. It has been shown to the council by John Tyrell that Henry earl of Northumberland owed 10,000£. on a recognisance to Henry V, of which sum 3,000l. were assigned to the administrators of that King who, assigned over 1,000marks, in tallies, to the said John Tyrell and Catherine his wife, executrix of John Spenser, late keeper of the great wardrobe, in part payment of the surplus due to him from the said late king, on his account in the Exchequer; But, at the instance of the council, it was agreed between the said John Tyrell and the said earl that the said 1,000 marks should be paid to the said John bythe treasurer and chamberlains of the Exchequer in half-yearly instalments of 100 marks, as a discharge of certain tallies levied at the receipt of the Exchequer in favour of the said earl, as security for the payment of the arrears due to him for the custody of the East march towards Scotland. The king, therefore, by advice of the council, has ordained, that if the said John do not receive full payment of the said 1,000 marks as aforesaid, he may have recourse to the council and to the said administrators according to the form of the Act of the king’s first parliament, relative to the sum of 40,000 marks granted1 to the said administrators to satisfy the said late king’s creditors. By p.s.
Henry VI volume 1 pg 267 – 268
(John Tyrell and Catherine Tyrell)
Entry 66
William Bray, vicar of Lanhaueranco,. Cornwall, for not appearing before Richard Norton and his fellows, justices of the Bench of Henry, to answer William Tyrell, touching a plea of debt of 40s. Cornwall
Henry VI volume 1 pg 152
(William Tyrell)
Entry 67
Thomas Frome of Frome Bowechirchore,Frome Vcghchirche, co. Dorset,’ gentilmain for not appearing before Richard Norton and his fellowsju,stices of the Bench of HentryV, to answer William Tyrell,touchinga plea of debt of 69s. 2d. nor to answer JohinRoland, clerk, touching a plea of debt of 25l. 16s.
Henry VI volume 1 pg 147
(William Tyrell)
Entry 76
(Commission to meat to treat as to a considerable loan for the kind people in several counties inlcuding:) John Tyrell,knight, Lewis Joban, Robert Darcy, and the sheriff of Essex.
Henry Vi volume 2 pg 353, 354
(John Tyrell)
Entry 84
Westminster , Commission by advice of the council, to Henry archbishop of Canterbury, the prior of Christ church Canterbury, John Darell, Loutherand the sheriff of Kent, to convoke the parsons, knightse, squires and other notable persons of the county and also the bailiffs, good men arid commonalties of the city of Canterbuarnyd of the boroughs in the said county, and to move and persuade them to lend to the king a notable sum of money for the voyage which he proposes to make in person in April to his realm of France,to make a speedy end of his wars there. Thecommissioners are to give surety for repayment out of the fifteenth payable on the octaves of Martinmas by grant of the commonalty of Englandin the last Parliament. [Fcedera.] Byp.s. The like to the following the following counties and places : Surrey and Sussex.— Henry, archbishop of Canterbury, Robert de Ponynges, knight, the abbot of Battle, Roger Fienes, knight, Thomas Leukenore, knight, Thomas Haseley and the sheriff. Essex and Hertfordshire.— William, bishop of London, John, earl of Oxford, John Tyrell, Bobert Darcy, Bichard Baynard, John
Henry 6 Volume 2 pg 49-50
(John Tyrell)
Entry 89
Commission to R. bishop of Chichester, Robert Ponynos, knight, Reginaldde la Warre, knight, Roger Kienles, knight, and Sydeney,’ the younger, to treat with one another and with other persons of Sussex, for a notable loan to the king in his present necessity, and to convey the money lent, with all speed to the Receipt of the Kxcluspier. with full power to promise lenders all necessary security, out of the customs, subsidies and other royal revenues, and out of tho jewels and other moveables of tho kingand his crown : tho kingengaging that all needful letters patent, writs, tallies and other warrants shall be issued in their behalf in accordance wilh the Act of the last Parliament at “Westminster.
The like to the following in the following counties: W. bishopof Coventry and Ijichiield, Humphrey, earl of Stafford, Roger Aston, knight. Hugh Krdeswyk. Stafford. John, duke of Norfolk, the prior of Norwich, Robert Wylughby, knight, John Radelyf. knight. Norfolk. The abbot of St. Albaus, PhilipThorn bury, knight, John Hotoft, John Fray. Hertford. The abbot of Perley, Richard Yernon, knight, Thomas Grysley, knight,Thomas Blount, knight,. .John Curson. Derby. R. bishop of London, John, earl of Oxford. HenryBourghchier, GeoffreyRokoll,K Edward Tyrell. Essex. John Basyng, knight. -John Braunspath, knight, John Boyyyll, Hugh Boyvyll. Rutland.
Henry VI volume 3 pg 249
(Edward Tyrell)
Entry 91
Commission to Thomas Wesenham, Robert Stoneham, Richard Caudray, and the sheriff of Cambridge and Huntingdon to treat with divers persons in those counties touchinga loan to the king and to bring the same to the Receipt of the Exchequer before the octave of Midsummer if, possible, and in any case before the quinzaine of Midsummer, with power to give security from the customs, subsidies and other royal revenues, and from the jewels and goods of tin 1 crown ; the king having promised to be in France in October next to confer with bis uncle of Franco for a final peace, desiringto avoid further bloodshed and to remove other expenses, charges and irreparable losses sustained in supporting the war. By C. The like to the followiningthe following counties :Henry, earl of Northumberland, William Fit/Hugh,’ chivalor,’ the dean of the cathedral church of St. Peter,York,William Kure, knight,and the sheriff. York. John Lescropof Masham, knight, Thomas Tyrell, knight, John Fray, Robert Darcyand the sheriff. Essex and Hertford. Vacated because otherwise before Th. bishopof Hereford, James do Audoley,knight, Walter Deveros, knight,and the sheriff. Hereford. Philip Courteney, knight, John Denhamk, night, Walter Collos, Clerk, Robert Burton and the sheriff. Devon and Cornwall. The abbot of Notley, Roger Hunt, John Enderby, John Hampden and the sheriff. Bedfordand Buckingham. Walter Hungerford, knight,James Ormond,knight, Edward Hull, knight,William Staffordes,quire, John Seintlo,William Caraunt and the sheriff. Somersetand Dorset. The dean of the cathedral church of Salisbury,Robert Hungerford, knight,John Stourton,knight,John Baynton and the sheriff. Wilts. The abbot of Hyde, John Popham, knight, William Warbelton, Thomas Ovedale, Richard Holt and the sheriff. Southampton. The abbot of Shrewsbury William Burley, Thomas Hopton, John Vynnesbury, Thomas Corbet of Lye and the sheriff. Salop. W. bishop of Coventry and Lichfiold, Robert Whitgreve, Thomas Arblastre, William Cumberforde and the sheriff. Stafford. The abbot of Chrrtcsoy John Boiirgfhiekr, night, Henry Norbnry, knight, John Arderne, Nicholas Cjirrowe and the sheriff. Surrey. A. bishoopf Chichester, William, earl of Arundell, John Pelleham, knight, Richard Dalyngrygge, Edmund Mille and the sheriff. Sussex. William Mountford, knight, Thomas Bate, Thomas Hyggeford, William Ponyngton and the sheriff. Warwick. William Ferrariis of Groby, knight, Bartholomew Brokesby, Thomas Palmer and the son IV. Leicester. John, earl of Oxford, the abbot, of St. Albans, the abbot of St. John, Colo.estre, John Fray, Thomas Tyrell, knight, John Dortvsvard, Robert Darcy, Henryhungley, Thomas Baudo HIM! the sheriff.
Henry VI volume 4 pg 430
(Thomas Tyrell)
Entry 111
Commission to John Parre, esquire for the body, Thomas Brewes, Westminster. William Tyrell, John Clopton,William Harleston and Gilbert Debenham, esquires, appointing them to assist Andrew Grigges, receiver of Alice, duchess of Suffolk, in levying a sum of 3,500 marks, lent byAlice to the kingfor the transmission of an army to Gasconanyd Aquitaine, from certain her jewels, and the farms, issues, profits, rents and revenues of certain manors, lordships,lands and fees in the possession or keeping of the duchess in Norfolk, Suffolk, and Essex, to be paid at Michaelmas next; and to bring Andrew under their safe-conduct to the Receipt of the Exchequer at Westminster with all speed.
Henry VI volume 5 pg 431
(William Tyrell)
Entry 112
Commission to William Lucy, esquire, setting forth that whereas on 8 July last the king appointed William, bishop of Coventry and Lichfield, Richard, earl of Warwick, John Talbot, knight, lord of .Lysle, John Beauchamp, knight, lord of Beaucharrip,William Mountforth, knight, Thomas Erdyngton, knight, William Bermyncham, knight,Thomas Burdet, Thomas Higford,Thomas Bate, John Rous and the said William Lucy to examine all persons in the county of Warwick chargeable with a subsidy granted by the commons of England in the parliament held at Westminster then last with the assent of the lords spirtual and temporal in the same for the defence of the realm, and to certify their names to William Lucy, knight, Thomas Tyrell, knight, James Strangways, knight, and Richard Waller, and the king appointed William Lucy, esquire, to levy the subsidy: — the king, because William has levied a great part thereof and certain persons in the county have not yet been examined, has appointed him to levy the residue and deliver the whole sum to the aforesaid William Lucy,knight, Thomas Tyrell, James Strangways and Richard Waller. The like to the same, setting forth the appointment of the abbot of Leycestre, John, viscount of Beaumont,’ chivaler Edward de Grey, knight, lord of Groby, Henry Gray, knight, Leonard Hastynges, knight, John Bellers,esquire, Thomas Palmer, William Eyton, Richard Neel, Richard Hotoft and the said William Lucy, esquire, to levy the subsidy in the county of Leicester.
Henry VI volume 5 pg 412
(Thomas Tyrell)
Entry 115
Commission to William, duke of Suffolk, Ralph Botiller of Sudeley, knight, Edmund Hampden, knight, John Hampden and Edmund Reade to treat with spiritual and secular persons in the county of Buckingham for a loan to maintain the war against the king’s adversaries who cease not to wage war on England, Normandy and other places of the king’s obedience by land and sea, by captures, robberies, murders and slaughters of the king’s lieges and captures of castles, towns and places in the said duchy and other places ; with full power to allow such persons to have security according to the sum so lent from grants in the last parliament and convocation of the clergy of the province of Canterbury. By K. & C. The like to the followining the following counties and places Humphrey, duke of Buckingham, John, earl of Oxford, Henry de Burghchier, knight, Richard Veer, knight, Thomas Tyrell, knight, John Doreward the elder, Geoffrey Rokell and John Godmanston. Essex
Henry VI volume 5 pg 297-298
(Thomas Tyrell)
Public Policy
Entry 73
The vicar general of R. bishop of London, in the absence of the bishop abroad, John earl of Oxford and Henry Bourchier’ ,chivaler,’ also John Tyrell,’ chivaler’ one of the knights of the shire for the county of Essex commissioners to receive the oath of the following John Moungomer chivyaler.’ , John Fitz Symond, ‘chivaler.’ NicholasThorle, ‘chivaler.’ WilliamGoldyngham/chivaleir MauriceBruyn,’ chivaler.’ Lewis Johan,esquire. Edmund Benstede chivaler.’ John Doreward ,esquire.. Etc….
Henry VI volume 2 pg 400
(John Tyrell)

Stained glass window Thornton Hall 1Stained glass window Thornton Hall 2

Stained Glass Window featuring Tyrell Arms in Thornton Hall

The so-called Italian Window In the old small dining room (room 42) – now a music room – is a stained-glass window dating from part of it dating from c.1700. This window shows a straight-sided “bluntly pointed” shield with helmet crest and mantling, and is done in enamel colours which are still amazingly sharp. The crest of a boar’s head erect argent with three ostrich plumes in the mouth covers the quarterly of nine achievement of either Sir Edward Tyrell (d.1605) or his son. 1. “Argent two chevrons azure within a bordure engrailed gules” (Tyrell). J.H. Round in “Feudal England” suggests that the chevrons were derived from those of Clare – Sir Walter Tyrell (who is reputed to have accidentally slain King William Rufus with an arrow in the New Forest on 2nd October 1100), having married Adeliz, daughter of Richard de Clare. 2. “Paly of six argent and sable” (Burgate). Six generations later Sir Edward Tirrel married Maud (or Anne) Burgate. Sir Edward’s son, Sir Hugh, was governor of Carisbroke Castle in 1378 when he defended it against the French. 3. “Argent a cross between cockleshells (escallops) sable” (Coggeshall). Sir John Tirrell, Sheriff of Essex and Hertfordshire in 1423 and treasurer to Henry VI, married Alice, the co-heir of Sir William Coggeshall, Kt., of Little Stamford Hall. Alice died in 1422. 4. “Quarterly 1 and 4 argent, 2 and 5 Or fretty gules over all a bend sable thereon three escallops argent” (Hawkwood). (As this achievement stands it is identical with that of Spencer which is used to bolster the claim of pedigree from Despencer). In this context it is the arms of Sir John Hawkwood brought in by the marriage of Sir William Coggeshall and Antiocha Hawkwood. (see Dictionary of National Biography; Chester of Chichely (Lester Waters); and Round’s Peerage Studies). 5. “Azure a cross moline Or” (Bruyn). Sir Thomas Tirrel of South Ockendon and Thornton, Knight Banneret, Master of the Horse to Katherine Queen Consort to Henry VIII, was the second grandson of Sir John Tirrell and married Elizabeth, the daughter and co-heir of Sir Humphrey Le Bruin of South Ockendon, Essex. Their son, Sir William, married Elizabeth Bodley, the daughter of Sir Thomas Bodley, founder of the Bodleian library. 6. “Lozengy ermine and gules” (Rokele). The coat of this family is often quartered with that of Prideaux-Brune. It is also worth noting that the family of Rockley or Roclay of Essex and Suffolk has the same achievement, with the coat of Tyrell in the second quarter and Hawkwood in the third. The fourth quarter is “Ermine an inescutcheon azure”. 7. “Argent a chevron sable between three tar barrels sable their bungs flaming proper” (Ingleton). The arms of the Ingleton (or Incledon) family, from Bampton in Devon come in through the marriage of Jane Ingleton to Humphrey Tyrell (see above). It is reported that Thornton was one of the 50 manors brought in by the marriage settlement. 8. “Argent crusily fitchee three griffins heads erased azure” (Ingleton). This is the second Ingleton coat (see above). 9. “Argent a bend between six fleur de lys gu1es” (Fitzelys). Lipscombe in his “History of Buckinghamshire” (Vol. 4, p.119) states that this is Fitzellis, whereas Burke gives this coat to Fitzelys of Waterpirie, Oxford. In Waterpirie church is a monument with Fitzelys quartered with that of Tyrell. Greening Iambourn in an article in “Bucks Archaeology” states that Robert Fitzelys, who died in 1470, had a daughter and heir, Margery, who married Thomas Billing and was the mother of Sybil, wife of George Ingleton, the son and heir of Robert Ingleton.